Saturday, April 15, 2023

New England's Greatest Band...."Pills" April 8 2023 Nantasket Beach

 from his deathbed at 5 am April 7, 2023 all the way down to Nantasket Beach, even Dr. Rabies could not poison and kill 4 pm on Saturday April 8th he's bouncing around the stage with a powerful band that had no practice, no Zoom meeting, nothing but pure rock and roll....

pills my head, to my head, the rock and roll nurse going to my head, to my head, to my head, as I was lying in a hospital bed...i got the rock and roll nurse....she's making it worse, she's shooting this stuff unto my head....she gives me the pills, she gives me the shot, she got me wondering what it wers I got...shootin' it to my head...

Drac has died

Drac has risen

Drac will come again

it's a rock and roll resurrection 

the Count Viglione returns to the stage... the day before Easter on Holy Saturday....