Saturday, April 22, 2023

The Racists of Medford Part 1 ....a look back at the 2020 fiasco that appears to have subsided.


Part 1 of 2: The Racists of Medford Fiasco ....back in 2020 a bunch of White kids were running around supporting Black Live Matter and saying horrible things that "all old people should die" (so the new generation can take over.) These phonies were talking about old Black people, old White people, old Asian people, I still have the quote and the name of the terrible person who wrote it. They were not pro BLM, they were children looking for attention. Today in 2023, 3 years later, Republicans wind up their hate machine to go after a private citizen (Hunter Biden,) while the wounds are still raw over Medford politicians and their family members being labeled, wrongfully, as "racist." It's the same damn thing. Attacking Hunter Biden because the crumbling Republican Party loses elections is horrible, whatever good or whatever possibly wrong side of the track things Hunter may have done, the angry, jealous Republican party is throwing out the hate and Gerrymandering and interfering in students' right to vote, it is the un-American party, and it has to stop.
Some of the same people victimized by the crazies of the Medford BLM movement are the same people attacking Hunter Biden. It is insane and illogical. They felt the hurt of being wrongfully attacked, and then, turn around and do the same damn thing while the entire Trump regime, with his children as profiteers and inadvertent Government Employees due to alleged criminal daddy's penchant for nepotism, well, I just hate these double standards and what they have done for America. End of Part 1, Part 2 coming up.
Donald Jr., Eric, and Ivanka Trump were named as co-defendants in the lawsuit that New York Attorney General Letitia James filed against the former president, alleging that Trump-owned businesses committed fraud by routinely inflating the estimated value of their properties to obtain better interest rates from banks.
The suit is civil, not criminal, so the adult children and their dad are not facing potential jail time. But if a judge rules against the Trumps, they could be slapped with a lifetime ban on serving as officers in New York corporations—a move that would essentially exile them from life in New York. They also face a five-year ban on buying New York commercial real estate and a $250 million fine.