Thursday, November 7, 2013

Unpopular Mayor McGlynn, the Willie Lantigua of Medford, didn't get a mandate

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did McGlynn steal election 2013 by shutting down public access TV to benefit himself?

NOTE: Stanley Komins allegedly in Somerville District Court today, November 7th, for the "discovery" phase of the West Medford Hillside Little League trial

November 25th alleged date when McGlynn's good friend and amateur animator is scheduled to be in court again


Information Central 

Your REAL EYE on Medford  tm


You've heard the term "repeating pattern."  Author Rita Mae Brown allegedly coined the phrase "the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results" (also attributed to Einstein, Mark Twain, Benjamin Franklin according to a 2009 article by Ryan Howes in Psychology Today.)   When there are 37,515 registered voters and - according to the City Clerk only 26.2% come out repeatedly in 2009, 2011 and 2013 (thank you Inside Medford) then Houston, we got a problem:
Voter Turnout
26.2% (same as 2011, 2009)
Registered voters- 35,728
Ballots cast- 9,298
    Don't let the Mayor feed you the line that it is insanity to keep getting the word out about his wrongful conduct.  McGlynn would be confusing the above-referenced quote on insanity with perseverance and - with the removal of Gene McGillicuddy and Robert Covelle from Medford Housing, Frank Pilleri and the cronies from the public access TV situation, and the real David vs Goliath victory the press refuses to attribute to this writer this election season: the removal of long-in-the-tooth "council president" Robert A. Maiocco, well, you can hear Ben Franklin, Mark Twain, Albert Einstein and Rita Mae Brown (and maybe Whoopi Goldberg as Rita Miller too!) applauding and saying "good job."
   One man was able to do what the voters are too lazy to do: bring about positive change.    As a very good lawyer said to me some months back "You got rid of Uncle Gene, you'll get rid of Frank Pilleri" and who am I to disagree with genius?  That is the definition of persistence, good positive persistence.  That is the power of Patch blogs combined with public records requests and utilizing "the people's forum" to get the job done. 

   If the voters aren't going to do their collective job, which is to, ho hum, get up out of bed and vote, it is up to the persevering few to do the heavy lifting.
 Which brings us to the big, white-haired elephant in the room: Michael J. McGlynn.

You've been mayor for 26 years and have no shame about slapping the family name on one of the schools.   The roads are in disrepair, the infrastructure resembling the fall of the Roman Empire  (think police building, fire department building, or the iconic stuck-in-your-mind photo of the DPW building being demolished)  and sonny boy McGlynn wants 8 million bucks for a garage and an additional 8 million bucks for a water taxi.  WRKO's Howie Carr refers to his "graft mobile" but the Graft Raft Water Taxi company has Carr beat hands down.    What a deception, a water taxi that you can use between - maybe - April to October.  Maybe. Get out your winter coat taking that ride to nowhere.   Voter Turnout
26.2% (same as 2011, 2009)
Registered voters- 35,728
Ballots cast- 9,298

    In a city of 57,000 plus you only received 5,775 votes after 26 years in office?    37,515 registered voters minus 5,775 is a little less than 32,000 registered voters who did not endorse the lunacy of a McGlynn Administration and - equally important - more than 52,000 people who live here who did not make their voices heard regarding who gets to run this city and play his political gamesmanship of sticking the likes of now-disgraced Robert Covelle into Medford Housing, Covelle's sister-in-law Adeline DiPaola into the Mayor's office as secretary, and a crew that indulged in alias after alias from TV3 Medford that Patch itself experienced bullying and harassing from the shadows.  That, ladies and gentlemen, is the handiwork of the 26-year incumbent who has displayed to me personally when the cameras are off and no one is around just how cruel, abusive, vindictive and smug a power-crazed despot can truly be.

     Go up to city hall on a consistent basis as I have and see the accumulated political dust. It is not a pretty sight.  Michael J. McGlynn has rules to follow - like using the P/E/G monies to repair government access TV when the equipment breaks down instead of paying some Lexington resident a huge salary to follow McGlynn like a puppy dog taking McGlynn's picture whenever his highness decides it is time for a photo op.

     The MMB - McGlynn Media Blackout - is why you got very little information this election cycle.  The weekly paper is a disgrace, the four-times-a-week print paper that used to be a daily is allegedly losing readership (75 cents for 7 minutes worth of reading material?) - heck, at least Inside Medford admits it has to abide by the rules his highness sets forth.

     But life shouldn't be this way.  Mike McGlynn works for us.  Adeline DiPaola takes a paycheck from the citizens (as well as that pension she gets from the disgraced sheriff,) how dare she slam the phone in my ear when I'm asking a question or looking for answers to a public records request.  When I issued a subpoena to Mayor McGlynn to request his presence in front of authorities to get some answers the chilling thing was that Sheriff Jim DiPaola's name was on the issuing subpoena and it was signed by his wife, Adeline DiPaola.  If you want to see cronyism at work, well, I have a document that says it all.  Wonder what that gem can fetch on eBay?

     Think about it.  You pay cold hard cash to the sheriff's office to demand the Mayor answer some questions under oath and the sheriff's wife signs for the document that should have had Michael J. McGlynn's signature on it under "received."   

     The policies of Michael J. McGlynn are highly unpopular, but he rules through fear.  If you are an elected official with a family member working in the school system, a situation the now-deposed and soon to be out to pasture Robert A. Maiocco finds himself in, you are conflicted because the conflicted Mayor ( himself with two daughters in the school system getting paid your hard-earned dollars, one to teach "watercolor class") - the Mayor himself oversees the school system.  Are you going to risk your salary and your wife's salary by NOT voting for the Mayor's parking garage boondoggle?  Not in this reality.  Not with the history of retaliation on Michael J. McGlynn's resume. 

According to a February 2012 article in the weekly paper, McGlynn got a $7,000 raise voted on by the city council.  Shame on four of them - Paul Camuso, Rick Caraviello, Freddy Dello Russo Jr. and Bob Maiocco, with the aforementioned wife in the school system under McGlynn's thumb, voted for the excessive paycheck of the mayor to increase.   Not so with Councilors Penta, Lungo-Koehn and Marks, with Michael Marks action noted in the weekly paper in Feb 2012:
"Marks offered a motion to omit the council and mayor from pay increases."

     How dare Mr. Caraviello, Mr. Dello Russo, Mr. Camuso and Mr. Maiocco vote to bump up McGlynn's pay.  How dare McGlynn take the extra money in a tough economy.  How very ugly. 

     A 2009 article by Steven Rosenberg gives these figures on McGlynn's paycheck: "McGlynn, who has served in that job for 21 years, has seen his pay nearly triple since 1988, when he earned $52,000. As the city’s chief administrator, he received a base salary of $123,598 last year. He also earned $12,480 for serving on the School Committee, $1,248 for travel expenses, and $1,100 for longevity. In all, his 2008 pay represented a 5 percent increase over 2007, when he earned $131,669."

     Michael J. McGlynn hasn't worked a real job in his life.  At least State Rep Paul Donato used to come into our place of business on 183 Park Street as a manufacturer's rep, showing that he could work in the real world.  McGlynn acts as if Medford is the family business with his daughters - shamelessly - working in the school system where he gets an undeserved $12,480.00 (probably more 4 years later) and puts it in the bank and spits in your face, Medford citizen.

     With the lack of access TV during an election, and McGlynn's unethical use of P/E/G monies for three high school salaries (which, ostensibly, frees up monies for his daughters to get paid; think about it) there is talk about citizens working together for a potential Class Action suit or a recall election.   

     Tbis city needs a new charter.  This city needs a new Mayor.  McGlynn ONLY got 5,775 votes in a city of 57,000 people or more.  NINETY PERCENT OF THE POPULATION DID NOT VOTE THIS JOKER IN.  McGlynn knows that if he didn't take away the access tv by having cronies running it into the ground and shutting it off for the election cycle, if we had the access tv that Arlington, Malden, Stoneham, Cambridge, Boston, Winchester and other cities and towns enjoy,  McGlynn's sins would have been exposed and the villagers could have stormed the voting booths.

   But, alas, McGlynn did steal the access TV from the citizens who pay for it.  He's the sole authority, the Issuing Authority, and we could have got it up and running on October 1, 2013, once the embattled TV3 dissolved. McGlynn - instead -had his pal Jack Dempsey give poor audio (NO MICROPHONES except for the one hidden in the camera!) and a poor set with questionable lighting for the candidates running for public office. It was a sham that benefited the 26 year incumbent.

     Then McGlynn shamelessly paraded Arthur Deluca as a "write-in candidate" to attempt to take the voice away from his opponent somewhat. The editor of the weekly paper and the Medford Democratic City and Ward Committee (not your average or regular Medford guy, we can assure you of that) working in concert with McGlynn to promote the "write-in" candidate. OH, and did we tell you, McGlynn is chair of Ward 2 for the Medford City and Ward Committee.  Voters could not be effectively informed of this because of the lack of access TV - voters/cable ratepayers paying 1.7 million for it between 2010 and 2011...millions of dollars going south with no accountability.  Then the big slap in the face when Deluca, an individual as embattled in his private life (which we won't go into today) as the TV station board he sat on, Deluca, enjoying the benefits of cable access tv - from computers to cameras - tells you in the weekly paper that you don't really need access TV.  He does, you don't, and you are paying for it!

     What the citizens really don't know is how closely aligned both Mayor Michael J. McGlynn and alleged write-in candidate Arthur Alan Deluca are to the individual now accused of a false bomb threat.  Find out about Station Landing and the eviction of the "false bomb threat" alleged perpetrator and how the apartments over there benefited TV3 and the Mayor's alleged involvement in it.  Then ask the Mayor of 26 years why he allegedly met with the alleged perpetrator of the false bomb threat (his arrest first reported by the Patch, not any other media outlet) and the Comcast PROJECT OPEN VOICE.

   You will find that the Issuing Authority, the sole oversight over the P/E/G monies and YOUR First Amendment right to access TV, was deeply, deeply involved in the life of the alleged perpetrator of the false bomb threat, who brought a convicted child rapist to TV3 on November 27, 2009, after the Judge Jackson-Thompson report which, combined with the TV3 audit, cost the taxpayers an additional $15,000.00 which McGlynn spent and then ignored.

     Then the Mayor CONGRATULATED the individual who allegedly perpetrated the false bomb threat and brought the convicted child molester to TV3, congratulated that person on taxpayer's time at a school committee meeting, which was highly inappropriate.

     Then we can discuss River's Edge, the unpainted crosswalks, the broken road that is Locust St, and other activities of McGlynn which make the embattled Lawrence Mayor William Lantigua green with envy.  Well, Lantigua lost the election and is weighing a recount.  Medford voters aren't as fortunate.  Our Willie Lantigua - Michael J. McGlynn, will feel empowered to bully the residents out of their hard earned dollars. 

   But here's the good news: we citizens were able to remove the Mayor's uncle, Gene McGillicuddy from Medford Housing.  We removed Robert Covelle - the Mayor's crony - and replaced him with a good man (and don't think my camera taping a board meeting didn't help when Covelle's replacement was being put on the spot by the MHA board.  The camera played a big part in the board voting the right way.  Residents have no idea the work I've done to improve Medford and how powerful the public access camera, brought in from another town, was in keeping the MHA board honest) and we removed Robert A Maiocco, something no one thought could ever be accomplished.

     As I told the Mayor's opponent, Anthony D'Antonio - you aren't going to win an election in a city controlled by the Mayor.  You will win the corner office by exposing McGlynn's flaws, just as Robert A. Maiocco was exposed and sent into retirement.   

     You think Arthur Deluca doesn't know the power of access TV? That's why he and McGlynn want to shut it down.  Because it is powerful. And when Deluca, who allegedly violated his position on a board mandated to facilitate access by telling the local paper he, an access tv board member, wants to shut the station down instead of do the job he was required to do, well, you have to remember what former WBCN disc jockey Mark Parenteau once said: CONSIDER THE SOURCE.

   The source of the nonsense in Medford is the Mayor who got in with something like less than 10 percent of the population involved in the process.