Saturday, January 16, 2016

CLERK ED FINN and the dirty Medford Politics

589,268 @ 1:58 pm
589,256 @ 1:51 pm
589,243 @ 1:25 PM

On the Medford petitions for the city council you are to "pray" to the Honorable Council!

These people are cracked!

They are like rotten eggs someone smashed upon the floor.

On what planet?


Do Ed Finn and Mark Rumley realize that people snicker about them and make comments?   They have about as much respect as Arthur "Dr. Rabies" Deluca, which is zero credibility, zero respect.

Meanwhile the previous mayor was praising criminals and showing up in a Comcast video with an unhinged creature.   The Mayor didn't give a damn, as long as he got facetime on the access TV that he INTENTIONALLY deprived you of (while he took your money,) he could be standing there with Osama Bin Laden and Dick Cheney, two of the biggest infidels in history, and would raise a glass thinking he's special.

It is that ugly in Medford, Massachusetts and citizens are too afraid to come forward and go to the authorities above the police, above city hall, because the thing is crooked from top to bottom.

Didn't the police chief's son take a trip and go up to the city council and speak to the city?  

Wasn't he a detective in narcotics?  

I'm asking questions - we don't know.  But if he was an undercover cop, why was he revealing himself on television?

It's a question I'd like Leo Sacco to answer.  Was his son undercover or did he get a promotion and could he reveal himself at the time of that televised council meeting?

But take Steve Lebert (someone, PLEASE, take Steve a paddy wagon!) here's another "detective" that there were no photos of, and he thinks threatening to blow a man's brains out is good karma.   Now his picture is known worldwide.  So much for undercover work.   The only work LeBert should have his cleaning the seat in Chip Hines confessional over at Cedar Junction...after Rev. Chip hears his confession, which, if LeBert is honest, would take a good six hours...a day. 

Which takes us back to Clerk Ed Finn.

The police did a terrible job of interviewing witnesses, as in, they didn't.   

The police didn't do proper interviews, from what they turned over to me in paperwork (and knowing the witnesses they FAILED to interview; oh just key witnesses that were there)  and then Mark Rumley writes an absurd e mail that it never happened.

Now you do the math:

1)April 27, 2010 front page news that this critic was assaulted at city hall. The police note, after interrogating everyone, that the sole victim was this writer.

The police think "mediation" with the crooked crew is the best way to handle it.

Yeah, mediate with your rapist.

That's the Medford Police for you. The Mayor too tied in with the criminals (or they were allegedly blackmailing the previous mayor,) that the police cower in fear and fail to protect and serve the man they determined was the sole victim.  You know THAT will be front and center in any court of law when I sue this city, which will be very soon.
2)Police called when TV3 blocks Alden Chambers doorway.  TV3 gets away with it, again.
3)Police fail to capture psycho stalker and instead invade victim's home for a "wellness check."  Victim has to drag 58 year old psychotic individual into court with her photo of victim and a meat cleaver hanging over it and obtain restraining order on his own.
4)Victim mails restraining order to police and reprimand them for not protecting and serving, and police piss, moan and complain.

SO much for law and order in Medford.

They, clearly, wanted the psycho or someone to kill me.

They did not protect and serve.

And you know why.  The previous mayor didn't like free speech and chills your ability to have a discussion.

THIS is a dictatorship.

I am fighting the thugs for you, Medford.

"Joe's blog is required reading by the Medford police department" Johnny B told me two cop friends of his said a year or so ago.

No doubt.

Here's what Medford protected - circled the wagons around -  and offered the citizens for Public Safety

How wretched is that?

But you could probably reason with Lebert where Ed Finn is unreasonable and a joke.  You've all heard the comments about Finn's lack of ability and how he's just another hack hire. 

Clerk Ed Finn can hit a man, physical and verbal assault, and the police fail to interview witnesses.

Think about it.

Just a hack that doesn't like being exposed for the fraud city clerk that he is. A violent ex-football player who should be coaching over at Cedar Junction, not touching marriage and death certificates with his unclean hands.

They want to protect the "sacred cows" while that jackass Rumley pisses, moans and complains about the Chumley Report that TV3 exacted on him.   With no testicles whatsoever, Rumley sat there and took it like a patsy because the mayor ordered him to; but Rumley will insult and threaten me with court action for a silly little poem called Deacon's Blues.

Think about it.  Thin skinned creep who looks for respect that he never earned, does not deserve, and is a disgrace to Medford. Mark Rumley is just another black eye on the city of Medford.  He knows it, but he plays the game and takes the money.

Sick.  Truly sick.  You put the mirror up so that Rumley can see himself and he flies off into a rage, as so many of these obnoxious blowhards do.

Free speech.  It's a real bitch when the bitchy people who act like bitches get called out for their wrongful conduct.  IN positions of authority, allegedly to be HELD to a HIGHER STANDARD!

Tony Soprano has more integrity, at least he went to a shrink before they turned the tv show over to "fade to black."

Hey, Rumley, that was by a jury of your peers, you served on the crooked board of that 501c3 and that's what they thought of you.


3 individuals from Billerica House of Correction committed "suicide."   Two with ties to Medford.
You believe that Medford?  

What an unlucky house of horrors...or, something more nefarious is going on.

The logical mind places bet on the latter. 

Clerk Edward P. Finn maliciously, intentionally and viciously attacked a citizen who speaks at City Hall.

He did it to divide a voice from the voters.

Because Ed Finn, allegedly, would be the person to look at if the votes were stolen.

Two key dates:

December 1, 2015 when a chief justice in Massachusetts wrote to me about Brian Burke.

December 3, 2015.

The city of Medford is retaliating because this writer had the courage to report misconduct by the Assistant Clerk of Middlesex Superior Court for using vulgar language on Oct. 15.

The First Lady of Medford, Brian Burke, doesn't like being a public figure.

Have another drink, Brian. We shall deal with you in a court of law.   There is no way Mr. Burke, First Lady of Medford, should be an assistant clerk in ANY court, especially not Superior Court.

We have the courage to do the right thing.

Brian S. Burke does not have the integrity to apologize, resign, and hang his head in shame.

That, people, is the disgusting display that now thinks they run our city.

Pathetic, disgusting, and just not fair.