Saturday, November 12, 2016

Sue-Happy Harvey Alberg, why does everything he touch fail?

Our goal is to get the financial records of TV3 and some semblance of "meeting minutes" from the imposter - Harvey A. Alberg - who used our 501c3 non-profit resources to promote his perpetually failing for-profit businesses.
The proprietor and his wife of the Alberg Financial Group went bankrupt.

For possibly two years or more Alberg Financial was M.I.A. (missing in action) on the corporate information site provided by the office of the Secretary of State.  Now it is back up and running but the proprietor filed bankruptcy protection.

The question is: if Mr. Alberg used paid staff at Medford Community Cablevision, Inc., along with Ron DeLucia of Shark Insurance ...ooops... Ark Insurance of Stoneham, and were and are both on the board of directors, isn't that a conflict of interest?   (It is.)

Why hasn't Mark Rumley gone Vesuvius on this and called them out on their improper, unethical behavior?

These individuals were not even on a proper board of directors as this writer uncovered that Brian Mahoney's name was used - falsely - to claim they had a "quorum" to vote themselves in allegedly.   

When I approached Mr. Mahoney about this when he was a Federal Employee up at the Woburn post office he said he hadn't been in Medford for years.  He had no knowledge of it.

When the City Solicitor saw this it certainly got HIS attention on the wrongful conduct and Rumley found that Paul Gerety, Tim Pilleri and Susan Crowley were nowhere to be found regarding TV3 Medford.

What's that all about?

It sure looks like something not proper, as concerning as the phony addresses of Steve Marra and Harvey Alberg on the corporate documents, or the intentionally misspelled name of Arthur Alan Delucca(sic)

If you search Delucca in the Corporate search you won't get Arthur Deluca, which is exactly how Deluca wants it.
Where are the meeting minutes, Mr. Alberg???, when your crony wife:

a)was supposed to take the meeting minutes

b)told the public they "don't really need access" that you used so liberally.
Paid staff were slaves to Harvey Alberg and Ron DeLucia, one Jaime person stating reportedly that he disliked Harvey immensely (the word I heard was the "h" word from a witness - as in, hated Harvey,) and then the staffer said "but he's my boss."

Clueless staffers didn't get it.  Harvey was on the board, he wasn't his "boss" as I do not believe there was a proper quorum to vote Harvey Alberg in!  Harvey was supposed to serve the public, not himself.

And Harvey Alberg will bully a man and then claim that his victim destroyed his businesses...when the victim didn't even KNOW Alberg when El Cheapos and Air Freight Technology corporations went south.

No personal responsibility from sue happy Harvey.

Sue happy Harvey voted to use YOUR money to sue the city and to litigate against his victims.

Then he lies to the judge that he wanted to "help" the victim.

Harvey Alberg of the KDC Alberg Financial Group is a cheat.  He cheated me and you out of access TV and he voted to use our own monies to litigate...and failed.

Sue Happy Harvey wants YOU to work with him at the Alberg Financial Group!

Sue Happy Harvey has a history in Medford, and it is not pretty.


A Victim of Alberg's Malicious abuse of Process 

A victim who won a victory in court twice over three ANTI-SLAPP violations.

Anti-SLAPP is when bullies use the court system to tangle their victims time and money up in nonsense.  Harvey Alberg did that to me, along with his ugly accomplices.

Lots more on the despicable behavior of TV3 until we get justice!