Monday, November 28, 2016

What does Fidel Castro's Family have in Common with McGlynn's Family

865,801@11:08 pm

As i type this way in the back of a nightclub the M.C. gives me a shout out

People applaud. 

So different from the mud-flinging in Medford (what the hell, I've only been sitting in this chair since 1974...

drinking ginger ale, Paul, drinking ginger ale...

i only drink alcohol at home...0nce every 7 weeks. Wpuld rather have cola, Lola. 

Always been the sober designated driver. Sober as a judge and just as smart and fair)

A prophet in his own country is not .... You get the picture

prophet is not without honor save in his own country definition. Words spoken by Jesus to the people of Nazareth, the town where he grew up. They refused to believe in his teaching because they considered him one of themselves and therefore without authority to preach to them.

Castro/McGlynn 60 year dynasty

So many parallels

An appointed official likened TV3 to "Havanahhhh" (Havana)

King Rumses II would certainly know of such things...first hand

Time for Perry Mason. Time to head home.  Call Johnny on
the phone and get all the Tempone gossip