Saturday, November 19, 2016

Public Safety First

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An Editorial

Where was the chief of police, Sad Sack-oh, when the late Pat Fiorello was pushed around like a ping pong ball by a corrupt 501c3?

Nowhere to be found.   One person was there for the hard-working senior citizen volunteer producer, one person.

The evidence that I intend to bring to the authorities is the extremely vicious assault on an old man caught on camera.  It shows motive, it shows opportunity, it shows malice.
Quality policing through community involvement.

Thanks to this citizen  when the Medford police, once again, phoned for his help (actually, came knocking on his door) - yours truly helped out the men in blue

The robbers were allegedly caught in the incident at Tony's Gas earlier in 2016, thanks to surveillance footage from a concerned citizen who believes in quality policing through community involvement."

The sad thing is , Sad Sackoh, like his masters in the corner office, says it but doesn't subscribe to it.

From a crackpot attorney admitting his guilt when he joked "I can make it six in four"  (was it a joke???)  to Uncle Bob Maiocco's dirty, filthy pipe and that "inappropriate" comment (Chief Sacco's word, when Sacco should have arrested Maiocco and thrown him in the slammer for a few days to cool off.  So much for higher standards.  But then again, retired Judge Kavanaugh probably wasn't in the mood to bail Maiocco out so Sacco let him go on personal recognizance...)

A verbal assault from the mayor's apron-clinging allegedly drunk husband at the Chevalier on October 15, 2015 and Judge Fabricant channeling Judge Marie O. Jackson-Thompson with her alleged dereliction of  "nothing to see here, move along oh violator of the canon of ethics" duty...


So today some ugly white haired mess with bad breath verbally assaults and threatens this editor, with liberal use of the F word...the babbling jackass didn't have the balls to tell me his name.

Of course Chief Sacco now has the blowhard's license plate courtesy of a concerned citizen. 

So the imbecile comes tearing in to a Dunkin Donuts screaming his head off.  Comes running up to me "Don't you EVER talk to my wife."  


"I'll talk to anyone I choose to." 

Now he's getting all riled up like Attorney David P. Cherry bested and fidgeting for his nip bottle...

"Don't you ever talk to my wife"   Egads, what a broken record. 

"What's your name" I query

NOTHING.  So much the typical bully, yelling and screaming and being a public nuisance at a Dunkin Donuts (caught on camera!!!! more than likely) and he doesn't have the integrity, the honor, the stones to tell his victim his name!


Then the ultimate indignity...they called me a member of the Medford City Council!  Ugggh!

1)I'm not as rotund as George Scarpelli (I just dropped 7 pounds..ya think old Georgie did??? )

2)I'm not as bald as John Falco OR Scarpelli 

3)I have a great radio show, so I don't swallow my tongue like Madame Knight

4)Banging gavels like Bam Bam in the Flintstones as Feddy "Bam Bam" Dello Russo Jr. does is certainly not my style
and THEY accused ME of being on THAT Medford City Council?  

"You're on the city council" the wifey-do announced.

"No ma'am, I'm running for Mayor."

bam bam bam bam bam, Freddy Jr. Jr.

Bam Bam!


A city full of cowardly idiots.

I looked the old bore - enduring his halitosis - in the eye and stood my ground. 

As usual.

I think we've seen this movie before.

The bottom line: his wife was texting while her car was rolling around the Dunkin Dinkies parking lot like a pool ball in search of Darth Stephanie's husband's lost bottle of booze...

to be continued