Sunday, November 20, 2016

Stephanie Burke Reportedly Fears Damage from the Leo Sacco Fallout and may cut him loose

861,167@11:53 am
Forget Brutus!

Word is that Muccini-Burke is spinning like a top (when she shows up, that is) in the corner office about a number of issues that she screwed up on, from Locust St. to the police station to pay-to-park to Mark Rumley going off the reservation with the Brookline Bank incident (s)

And, of course, Rumley being ignorant in regards to TV3.

Sadly, Rumley's job looks secure, for now, but Brutus over at the police station might get beaten to the punch by the paranoia of Muccini-Burke.

Muccini-Burke's paranoia (note the loss of her chief of staff within weeks of stealing the corner office) is so real our insiders tell us that you can almost touch it.



No wonder they are jumping ship!

Stay tuned on this.  Leo's pink slip could come from across the way, not from the palace coup.

And wouldn't that be something?