Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Breanna Stumbles Out of the Starting Gate - Election 2019 Medford, Massachusetts

An editorial by Joe Viglione

     Right now I am a supporter of Breanna Lungo-Koehn, and I have two words for how the long-time city councilor has initiated her campaign:  oy vey!

oy vey
/oi ˈvā/
  1. indicating dismay or grief.
  2. ___________________________________________________________________________________

Step 1: You are taking on a fierce opponent in the
McGlynn machine

     Who will McGlynn throw his might behind?  Muccini-Burke or John Falco?  

That is the question voters are asking in April of 2019.

Falco has the same base as Lungo-Koehn: the parents of high school students.  It's a strong base.   It has heavy word-of-mouth.

Step 2: Breanna Lungo-Koehn must recover from her first two stumbles out of the starting gate:

a)releasing a horrifying audio on the Facebook live of her campaign announcement.  Uggggh....yes, there are 202 days to go, but you want to come out like a rock star.

You want to be Mick Jagger/David Bowie/Bette Midler all in one. You take the stage and wow them.

Breanna failed to do that.  Chalk a point for Muccini-Burke.

When your big day, the announcement, arrives, and you hand the honors to the incumbent, don't delude yourself that you have done your campaign any favors.

Right the ship.  Immediately.

Hold a second campaign announcement, on Cable TV, at a fundraiser.  Quickly ignore your paid alleged outside consultants and do what your instincts tell you.  Fight.

Fight like you've never fought before.

Breanna Lungo-Koehn is putting her toe in the water when she should be kicking ass.

b)City Council April 9th.  Thank God I was at Mott the Hoople's reunion concert because what I am hearing about the performance are early defections from people Breanna already had in her corner.

It takes twice as much work to gain a new vote after you've lost a loyal supporter.  Breanna's performance at the 4/9/19 city council cost her at least one faithful supporter. Not good.
52 views of meeting as of 9:17 am 4-16-19

Step 3

Breanna should be showing up at calendar events posted by Medford City Hall, with a person running Facebook live.


This is a no-brainer.  The highly secretive Muccini-Burke administration doesn't want you privy to its inner workings.   Put a spotlight on  what is going on at city hall.

STEP 4  Breanna needs to cablecast on the access station

It upsets me when politicians use the access station while the public is out of the loop.  

a)Breanna needs to tape herself getting a CORI check, go on TV, and rail against Mark Rumley for "spying" on candidates who want their own show.

b)Breanna Lungo-Koehn needs to have a weekly TV show where she airs the Facebook live of events on the government calendar - Disability commission, library, garden club, whatever.   Show the community that she cares.\

Step 5
Breanna Lungo-Koehn needs to sign people up to TV3.
That's right.  Breanna needs to go on an outreach drive and sign people up to the access channel, show that she cares while Muccini-Burke doesn't.

Breanna needs to read this New York Times article on 
Bernie Sanders

‘Stop Sanders’ Democrats Are Agonizing Over His Momentum

Mr. Brock, who supported Mrs. Clinton’s past presidential bids, said “the Bernie question comes up in every fund-raising meeting I do.” Steven Rattner, a major Democratic Party donor, said the topic is discussed “endlessly” in his orbit, and among Democratic leaders it is becoming hard to block out.
“It has gone from being a low hum to a rumble,” said Susan Swecker, the chairwoman of Virginia’s Democratic Party.

Howard Wolfson, who spent months immersed in Democratic polling and focus groups on behalf of the former New York mayor Michael R. Bloomberg, had a blunt message for Sanders skeptics: “People underestimate the possibility of him becoming the nominee at their own peril.”