It's un-American
It's Adam Knight's idea
To CHILL your Speech
and Spit on Charlie's Grave!
Knight hardly posts anything at the council other than a happy birthday
or happy death day. It's disgraceful. Now he wants to limit your
speech while taking your money. This is Ultra Creepy, and Adam Knight
tried a similar stunt a year or two ago in Room 207. Don't let him get
away with chilling your rights to free speech at the city council you
pay for
Look who goober Knight associates with?
A disruptive son of a bitch, Matt Page Lieberman, who caused trouble at the Medford City Council years back forcing the police to come and file a report on Page Lieberman and his two accomplices. One of those accomplices was a serial harasser who was arrested twice in the same year, and who once served on the board of Medford Community Cablevision, Inc. Yes, the same board that Free Speech Killer / Chiller Mark Rumley sat on, as did Page Lieberman. How ugly is that?
12:04 pm
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