Sunday, April 7, 2019


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Martha Turns a Blind Eye to State Rep Misconduct!

Where is the outrage? Mark Rumley wants a CORI check on politicians who may want to have their own TV show as Michael Marks has his program. The State Rep knew that there were kids in the TV studio on "Opening Day, October 15, 2017" - but he does this stunt anyway with Mayor Burke laughing as she sees it. Where is the outrage, citizens? On Tuesday night Adam Knight again is trying to limit speech with restrictions on the Suspension of the Rules, that way he can - ostensibly - vote against suspending the rules to silence citizens. Knight adds NOTHING to our community and is merely there to chill speech and let the mayor have her way. Disgusting. Martha Coakley has some of these photos. She's investigating sexual harassment from individuals working on Beacon Hill. That's like John Gotti investigating murders by his own mobsters, isn't it? All photos (C)2019 the editor. Martha hasn't done a thing to address these issues, nor has Rumley. What are you going to do, voter?

Father of the Year?  Hardly

Allegedly, Scarpelli threatened to punch your children in the face if they discussed a RAPE on George Scarpelli's watch as Chaperone

This happens when you have some very bad people in power

Ron Delucia "I'll be damned if they want to take TV3 away from me." (paraphrased)

Joe Vig: Well, I took it away from you, Ron!

The Ann Marie Cugno does she pay for that on a soccer mom's salary???? Allegedly....

stats 12:19 pm 4-7-19
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