The Dirty Rat of Access Television
Lying Reprobate Mark E. Rumley
This is the Scarecrow Rumley has in Place to keep people out of MCM - the detestable
Arthur Alan Deluca, slimy reprobate and known elder basher.
The not-very-honest Mark E. Rumley
Read this:
Public access video channels serve an important purpose, because they provide an electronic soapbox for local folks to broadcast their unique points of view about the world, the nation and city around them.
For those willing to do a little work and sacrifice a little time, the high
price of video democracy is free, and it’s just around the corner. (Not in Medford with the city solicitor with unclean hands!)
Randy Hansen is a television news chief photographer who volunteered for a public access channel while in high school.
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1:39 pm April 6, 2019