Monday, April 8, 2019

Reptile Hunters Ordered To Capture City Councilors Alive

According to Reptile Magazine, hunters have been ordered to cull the Medford City Council, taking the snakes alive for scientific study.

The "Judas" Reptile, Fred Dello Russo, Jr. decided to take the money and betray his slithering, vicious colleagues.  Dello Russo was caught on camera putting a sedative in the water cooler at Alden Chambers.

The snakes will be caged and placed on the rooftop of Medford City Hall.  Residents will pay $5.00 to see the captured cronies slither and snap at each other.

The program is working so well that the no-kill hunters are escalating their work to capture even bigger game in their lairs using Dello Russo's slick tongue to draw them in.  The socially inept Dello Russo is more than happy to sharpen  his skills learning quickly that he talks their language, a revelation since Freddy is not used to communicating with living, breathing things.

Current prices to remove the venomous, noxious members of this species are as follows:

Adam Knight - $10,000.00
A savings to the public of $20,000.00 

Rick Caraviello  $15,000.00
a five thousand dollar removal fee is added for Caraviello and George Scarpelli

Michael Marks  $5,000.00
Marks was marked down after he was defiled by a state reprobate.  

The hunters were not able to pick up officers Covino and Mackowski as Chief Buckley put them in protective custody and conveniently lost the key.   They are currently doing lots of paperwork in hopes of work release.

Bonus Capture

$75,000.00 to remove Mark E. Rumley
It's still a huge savings for the taxpayers as Rumley's bloated salary is as obnoxious as his many misdeeds.

photo of caged Rumley in Alden chambers ...his dangerous forked tongue so potent that the hunters had to turn him upside down to get him in the elevator and place him on the roof.  Problem is, upside down is rightside up for Rumley's malfunctioning brain.   Nonsensical Dr. Rabies was brought in to study the reptile, Rumley, however, at Rumley's age Dr. Rabies had the urge to abuse and harass the elder former city lawyer.  Elder Affairs was ordered to stay away as the two bickering ex board members of TV3 have become the main attraction on the city hall rooftop.  Better draw than the Beatles final concert and Jean Luc Goddard's capturing of the Jefferson Airplane on rooftop film

What are 5 characteristics of reptiles?
Because reptiles are cold-blooded and require less food than birds and mammals, they are the dominate animal in desert environments. Two characteristics enable reptiles to inhabit land environments to a greater extent than their amphibian ancestors: Scales or scutes.