Tuesday, July 23, 2019

If Fred Dello Russo, Jr. Doesn't Run...Scarpelli can lose...so can Rick Caraviello

If the Frightful Four - Knight, ScarpG, Dello Rinso and Carve-a-Fat-Steak-Up remain, it is curtains for the city of Medford.

If daddy is telling Freddy he can't run .....wwwwaaaahhhhhhhhhh....nepotism central over there at Dello Russo's....scarpelli could be one of the biggest losers, figuratively and quite literally....

Madame Knight is scared, as she well should be, while Caraviello sees that the hour glass is upside down and that fumbling, mumbling miscreant's time is almost up!

Hopefully it will be a "clean sweep" and the swill on the council will be removed.

Hope springs eternal that that is the case...