Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Breanna Dismisses Telephone. A Parody

1,507,557@8:29 pm. 111 since 7 pm
1,507,461@7:23 pm
36,915@8:29 pm
Past month 36,819   7:23 pm


This is Mark

Hi Mark, it’s Breanna. I won’t be needing your services

Mark: I know that. No psychic powers necessary for that one
Let me guess. You are hiring a blogging paralegal

Breanna: well look at his work compared to Lisa Evangelista

Mark: Damn. Had we given him E-bang-a-lista’s blog I’d still have a job

Breanna: and I wouldn’t be mayor as you would have grabbed another election

Mark:  has it really come down to this!  Replaced by a loony paralegal!

Breanna:  not so loony. He did get the L'Italien report from your not very forthright clutches...he had your irrelevant self tossed off of a witness stand in a courthouse where you allegedly moonlighted more often than the allegations against alleged double dipper Dempsey (my next call, by the way) and forced your pals at TV3 to walk the plank directly into the Mystic River before Encore cleaned it up. Ker plunk!

Mark: anything else?????

Breanna YES for your team using algorithms to paint me as. A Republican on Google "dropdowns" during the election let me quote that dingbat Trump: 

You’re Fired

Mark. Replaced by a blogging paralegal. The indignity of it all

48 hours to go people!

PS Breanna. I did pass the bar last night. 
Performed at it as well