Thursday, January 2, 2020

Confidential Letter to a Government Official...just a portion of it

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Medford residents

Most of the letter will be confidential, but here is something of thoughts to that long-time official some of you probably don't know:

11:59 pm 1-1-20
On to New Year's Eve:

I usually spend New Year's Eve at home but had to work at the bar last night - videotaping and performing.

Though Lenny Scoletta at TV3 has done much recording it is probably safe to say that in all my years no one in
Medford has documented life as much as I have.  That Rumley and the other bad actors made life rough for me
with phony lawsuits (anti-SLAPP violations, pure malicious abuse of process) is just one reason why Medford residents have been grossly cheated by the two previous regimes.

I'm sure you like and admire Mark Rumley as he's probably treated you well.  Having studied Mark since early 2003, when I first met him, this writer of the past 50 years finds him to be a cruel, abusive, reprehensible individual who cares only about himself.  

Having seen his antics in a courtroom and at the city council my determination is that Medford will be better off with that egomaniac (hopefully) out of the picture. What a terrible human being.

Breanna Lungo-Koehn and Robert M. Penta were the two most honest people on the city council of Medford.
Now the council is left with individuals you cannot trust as far as you can throw.  

Scarpelli and the sexual offenses in Otis, Mass
with him as chaperone?  Michael Marks behavior with Rep Donato just the tip of the iceberg with flip-flopping Mr. Marks.

He's with Camuso one day, flips and changes his mind the next.  I remember the cruel things Mr. Marks said about me in the fight for TV3 AND that the twice-arrested board member of TV3 was such a good friend to Michael.   

Falco took his marching orders from McGlynn and Burke, what a shock... Caraviello I intend to see in Federal court, and soon.


Joe Viglione

Indeed, the "Presentment letter" for the lawsuit drops on Inauguration day.

Medford, let the healing begin!