Wednesday, November 9, 2016

855,006 - Mad at Trump, Impeach Stephanie Muccini Burke? Medford needs an Impeachment

855,006 @ 8:57 One Hundred and Forty-Four Thousand, Nine Hundred and Ninety Four page views to one million. With a KKK endorsed maggot seizing the White House, many Medford residents are

With a KKK endorsed maggot seizing the White House, many Medford residents are angry.  

How do you vent?  That's easy: Impeach Stephanie.

Focus that energy into something positive, let's remove the individual who stole the Medford election of 2015.    angry.

With a KKK endorsed maggot seizing the White House, many Medford residents are angry.  

How do you vent?  That's easy: Impeach Stephanie.

Focus that energy into something positive, let's remove the individual who stole the Medford election of 2015.    

Focus that energy into something positive, let's remove the individual who stole the Medford election of 2015.    

This magazine removed Uncle Gene, which helped remove Bob Covelle.  We were right about Uncle Bob Maiocco in light of the Wells Fargo fiasco.

How do you focus that anger and energy?
It's easy: we will start a movement today to have the authorities investigate Muccini-Burke and frog-march her and her dirty-handed cronies out of Medford City Hall.

Medford, focus that energy, remove Darth Stephanie!




Shades Of 2000? Clinton Surpasses Trump In Popular Vote Tally

As of 8:10 a.m. ET, Clinton had amassed 59,163,675 votes nationally, to Trump's 59,027,971 — a margin of 135,704 that puts Clinton on track to become the fifth U.S. presidential candidate to win the popular vote but lose the election.
"Trump crossed the 270 electoral vote threshold at 2:31 a.m. ET with a victory in Wisconsin," NPR's Carrie Johnson reports.

With a KKK endorsed maggot seizing the White House, many Medford residents are angry.  

How do you vent?  That's easy: Impeach Stephanie.

Focus that energy into something positive, let's remove the individual who stole the Medford election of 2015.