Sunday, November 6, 2016

Medford City Solicitor: The Wolf in Sheep's Clothing

853,490 @ 3:31 pm
853,481 @ 3:08 pm
853,421 @ 2:37 pm
853,249 @ 7:51 am
Did you change your clocks back?

Would be nice to turn the clock back to the time that Mark Rumley failed to do his job in 2008 and remove the scoundrels at TV3.
All photographs Copyright(C)Joe Viglione, all rights reserved.
No authorized duplication without permission of Medford Info
City Solicitor is the wolf in sheep's clothing
by Joe Viglione

Mark E. Rumley and Diane McLeod met me in Rumley's office early in 2003 - thirteen long years ago - almost a fifth of my lifetime - to tell them about the inequities at Medford Community Cablevision, Inc. 

The lack of fairness and justice the residents of Medford have witnessed are due in no small part to a lawyer derelict in his obligations to those paying him his huge, unwarranted salary.

The individual being discussed has no conscience. He exacts cruelty on citizens who do not bow before him and wants to be viewed as some kind of benevolent friend of the people. 

He's a fraud. 

All Dorothy had to do was throw a bucket of water at the wicked witch; it was easier for me to remove Rumley from his obnoxious attacks on me and my person with a very simple "Your Honor, OBJECTION." 

It was a thing of beauty as a judge looked at Rumley and said "irrelevant." 

Just that wonderful word "objection" was my easy water bucket that got Rumley removed from further besmirching of a victim... was even more telling when Mr. Inequity, the Solicitor, was yapping about the Medford Housing Authority being a "separate body politic" - and stay with me on this - after he told infamous-in-the-tv3-fiasco retired Judge Marie O. Jackson Thompson this rubbish:

“The one sentiment that I have heard that I take great exception to is that the city is trying to limit speech,” said Rumley. “The notion the city would censor or squelch free speech is baseless and as city solicitor I would find any such effort repugnant.” (City Solicitor Mark E. Rumley / Medford Daily Mercury on or about Nov. 16, 2008 (quoted from the 2nd Judge Jackson-Thompson hearing)

So while videotaping the monumental removal of scam artist Robert Covelle, brother-in-law of the late, corrupt Jimmy DiPaola, whose wife worked in Mayor McGlynn's office and asking about the relationships between anyone on the board, Uncle Gene McGillicuddy raises his hand. Mark Rumley jumps up like a scared rabbit. It was a beautiful moment with my camera rolling. I'm now hearing voices in my head, Glinda the Good Witch of the North: You have no power here! Begone..." So I look at Rumley, point and say "You. Sit down." 

Rumley obediently sat down like a bad little school boy...the bad little schoolboy that he is. Only this is real life, and Rumley is impacting Medford lives in a negative way. Be it using his city e mail address in an inappropriate manner for one of his other positions in life, or sharing an office with State Rep Paul Donato (the back room) to allegedly collect bills for credit card companies on Thursdays at Somerville District Court, one thing was for sure: if Rumley was bill collecting on Thursdays, he wasn't at city hall doing the work he purportedly takes over One Hundred Thousand Dollars a year for from the citizens of Medford. If he has moonlighted on us, if he has put other things first, if he goes on the attack because he's thin-skinned and can't take criticism, then what is that kind of person doing in the office of the city solicitor? 

This is just part 1 of a lengthy series to throw a little light - and Dorothy's water bucket, on the biggest charlatan in Medford...and that's saying something. 
This is not The Chumley Report where three stooges at TV3 threw rocks at Rumley and beat him into the ground, the coward not fighting back and suing the board of TV3 as he should have. No, instead, Rumley fixated on one man, the messenger. Talk about Mark Rumley being a bully AND a coward. Why do the right thing for the citizens when Rumley allowed Harvey Alberg and the creepy crew to spit at Rumley in public. A frightened little scared man like Mark Rumley would rather beat up the messenger and attempt to silence him. These are the FACTS on Mark Rumley's failure to perform, not some Chumley Report throwing rocks. 
And Mark Rumley, the oh so benevolent Mark Rumley (not) shows what a nasty, vindictive, cruel, unlikable person he really is. The Real Mark Rumley. 

Part 2 will have even more revealing facts.

Metaphor for the unclean hands of Medford City Hall

“The one sentiment that I have heard that I take great exception to is that the city is trying to limit speech,” said Rumley. “The notion the city would censor or squelch free speech is baseless and as city solicitor I would find any such effort repugnant.”
Hey Mark -
Lip service is so unbecoming.
Some of us are doing the heavy lifting...and you ain't included in that group!
yer included in this group: