Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Harvey Iceberg Lost in Court a Year ago Today - Vindictive TV3 Board Member with Phony Address on Corporate Papers LOST

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Vindictive and creepy Harvey Aberg (the "l" was removed because he's such a loser)  had a memorable Halloween in 2016...

...into Malden court Iceberg dragged an innocent man that Alberg had victimized abusing the TV3 channel, spreading lies about his victim.

Then Harvey Iceberg waltzes into Malden District Court attacking the victim, no mention to the judge of what Alberg did to the victim on Spotlight on City Hall, just a fraudulent old creep demonizing a citizen that brought down the corrupt TV3 Medford

Alberg promoted himself as a "money manager," with his whacky, daffy wife running around telling the community that they "really didn't need" the public access station those reprobates were allegedly feasting on.

HOWEVER, a phone call did come in a couple of weeks ago from the office of the Attorney General that the investigation into the MCC TV3 board of directors, which includes Alberg (no matter what Alberg allegedly told the judge about stepping down from a board that is frozen...Mr. Iceberg, and can't be stepped down from!!!!) ...Harvey with the fake address on corporate papers....

More news to come as the office of the AG's public charity division looks into the activities of the Alberg gang that lost the contract to utilize the public access TV station

"And the city is better off for it."   A retired detective from the Medford Police Department

truer words were never spoken!


Court Name:U.S. Bankruptcy Court Records for the District of Massachusetts
Case Number:15-14759
Party Name:Harvey A. Alberg and Doria A. Alberg
Filing Type:Bankruptcy, Office: 1 Chapter: 7 Trustee: Cruickshank, Gary W. [Order Discharging Trustee/Closing Case]
Date Published:July 22, 2016

On Halloween, 2016, the angry,
bitter "money manager" who was in bankruptcy court just three months prior, the angry s.o.b. (sad old basxxrd) showed the court that he can't handle his own finances, let alone yours.

So he attacked his victim again

And again, Mr. Iceberg lost the case...but not before he allegedly spread more lies under oath...

file under: The Iceberg Sinketh