Sunday, October 29, 2017

Vote David McKillop a Week from Tuesday

1,090,460@2:45 pm

Mr. McKillop needs your vote. With a totally dishonest City Clerk that committed felonious assault on a senior citizen - for the disgusting Chief Leo A. Sacco's sycophants going after the victim and - brazenly - knowing that he will be sued - the Chief says on 10-17-17 "You get the police service you deerve. Sue me" - we have a - redundant word but accurate - swamp that will not permit the votes to be accurately counted. Mr. McKillop needs to come out swinging this week, he does not fight hard, and the Muccini-Burke mess, under the auspices of Michael J. McGlynn - is designed to steal every manhole cover, bit of copper, city hall doors, city hall benches in Alden Chambers, steal every nickel from public access, allegedly even from private churches...rumors and allegations and ugly things you can see with your own eyes. It is time for a change, but with a history of election tampering, how will McKillop pull it off with his nice-guy Tinkerbell approach?