Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Stalking Handsome Bearded Men at the Cordon Bleu

1,338,133 @ 6:17 pm
1,338,123 @ 5:55 pm 


Checking 'em out is actually what it is called,  but we want some poetic license here!!!


Stalking bearded men
near the cordon bleu 
nice little buffet
here on Sunny Avenue
beautiful spring day
with clouds that move
stalking handsome bearded men
near the cordon bleu

I'll give some attitude like
Dame Judith Dench
they say Italian goes
very well with some French
catch a friendly eye
in plain sight
set up an encounter
for a very lovely night

stalking bearded men near
the corden bleu
maybe we can laugh at
a lesbian or two
i can think of nothing
better to do
than stalking handsome bearded men
by the cordon bleu

A license poetic
under 5 O'clock shadow
perhaps a cross between
Patrick Schwarz and Rachel Maddow
The Yellow Pages ad said
Let your fingers do the stalking
extreme poetic license
and a bit of small talking...

(C)2019 April 15, all rights preserved
like uncle bobby's hairdo