Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Stephanie Will go BONKERS

1,338,193 @ 10:36 pm

Atty Rum E. Markley:   McGlynn is taking the blog seriously.

Mayor Stephanie Napolean-Trump:  I am the mayor, McGlynn is IRRELEVANT

Atty Markley:  I'm beginning to like the new country music.

Mayor Stephanie: I can fire you

Atty Markley: With all the dirt I got on you?  The varsity coach, the varsity coach, the varsity coach

Mayor Stephanie: And I've got lots more than some penny ante credit card bill collector moonlighting on the residents of this city

Atty Markley: hmmmm....that's what my roommate Don Paulato used to call me, penny ante, maybe there's something to it?

pen·ny an·te

  1. poker played for very small stakes.
      petty; contemptible.
      modifier noun: penny-ante

Mayor Stephanie:  I can always leak something to the blogger, he'll print anything

Atty Markley:  No one believes him, no one reads him

Mayor Stephanie: Tell that to uncle Gene

Atty Markley: True, True...and Frankie Alberg

Mayor Stephanie: And Ronny Pilleri

Atty Markley: so you're blackmailing me

Mayor Stephanie:  Extortion as well...and witness intimidation.  I swear to God I will unleash all sorts of documents directly to his P.O. Box

Atty Markley:  So it was you who set fire to the Notre Dame Cathedral?

Mayor Stephanie:  The trick is to make it BELIEVABLE...

Atty Markley: Like unleashing court documents involving George Scarpelli that some Scarpelli hater delivered to him covertly ....

Mayor Stephanie: It was like a scene out of Eddy Murphy's Trading Places, some powerful individual with pure loathing against Scarpelli thought "What better way to get under George's skin than to hand the documents in a brown paper bag to his arch enemy!"

Atty Markley: Got under his skin more hurtful and damaging than a pogo stick

Mayor Stephanie: or broomstick handle

Atty Markley: up the ass!  Yikes.   Don't want to even think about it... he's got informants EVERYWHERE

Mayor Stephanie: Which is why lying to a judge that no one takes him seriously is perjury!  If those informants are "no one" how did he get so many court papers before they finally made it to the web?

Atty Markley: so I lied to a judge or two...it was worth it...

Mayor Stephanie: Those Scarpelli documents came out before they were online thanks to the relentless blogger  --- page 30

Atty Markley: Oy Vey is right!  Sexually Transgressive Behavior is not even in my infamous thesaurus. Does it have anything to do with a Lacrosse player meeting a varsity coach

Mayor Stephanie Napolean Trump:  I will sue you, I swear to God I will

Atty Markley:  Who said Truth is the best DEFENSE against a charge of ...

Mayor Stephanie: Page 68 of 100

Atty Markley: "He was then anally raped with a broom handle."  Ugggh...and we were stupid enough to keep Scarpelli on with the allegedly stolen votes

Mayor Stephanie: allegedly with as much veracity as saying my husband allegedly drinks

Atty Markley: Oh, so you found my back up thesaurus!

Mayor Stephanie: Up Michael Marks' ass!

Atty Markley: So you took the back and Donato took the front?

to be continued...for sure...we're just getting warmed up!

chapter 2

a guide to sexually transgressive behavior..for varsity coaches, allegedly promiscuous lacrosse players and allegedly drunk husbands

by George Falco, Joseph Clemente, Barry Bangs and John Scarpelli

Scholarly articles for sexually transgressive behavior

All sexual relations outside of marriage violate the law of chastity. This includes intercourse; touching the private, sacred parts of another person's body, with or ...
by P MacCormack - ‎Cited by 23 - ‎Related articles
Perversion: Transgressive Sexuality and Becoming-Monster. ... environment and contrary to the generally accepted norm of sexual behaviour in the community.

stephanie WILL go bonkers, Donald Trump....
this is a parody.  If you think you are being made fun of by this column, then you've got a guilty conscience