Tuesday, June 4, 2019

PMS Perry Mason Stephanie

1,353,607 @ 9:41 am 

Actor Denver Pyle playing Robert Crane in Perry Mason, 1958

You can't make this stuff up!  Unless Space Aliens have taken over the tube...

One of my nom-de-plumes was Helen Reedy, for a Lou Reed newsletter  Helen Reddy meets Lou Reed, get it?

Here's an old Perry Mason Episode   If Stephanie married gay Perry she'd be the old boat the PMS

Perry Mason Stephanie

We always assumed Stephanie an old battle axe!

One of the fictional characters is called "Bob Crane"   3/1/58

Seasons 1, Episode 24   The Case of the Deadly Double

Joyce Martell is the virtuous woman, Helen Reed

Perry: "Why did you leave your allergy" (her fur coat!)

Woman: At home with Helen Reed

Joyce Martell is capable of murder, Helen Reed is not!

Special guest on the show, not a joke....Constance Ford and Denver Pyle

If Bob Denver married Gomer Pyle he would be Denver Pyle

and "Bob Crane" is a fictional character in the show

kind of like a psychic look at TV in the 60s way before the days of Hogan's Hero and Gomer Pyle

Mr. Hale married Joyce Martell  (fictional characters)

and Alan Hale was on Gilligan's Island

Crazy how many 60s TV names tucked inside this one episode of a 1950's show.

Oh, and Joyce Martell killed her "husband" David Reed

Quotes because Helen Reed was married to David Reed

Jekyll and Hyde

Sounds like an evening with Mark Rumley and his dual personalities

Joyce Martell was the occupant of Helen Reed's body at the time of the murder

Rumley has an excuse when he attempts to kill this writer...his dual personality

At the end of the coat Della Street (named after a street in Malden, honest to God! - Earle Stanley Gardner, the author, lived in Massachusetts) feels badly for the schizophrenic side of the woman and wants to keep the fur coat if she's not cured

Witty and funny, the Perry Mason show inspired Law & Order:SVU which is now the longest running drama in TV history.

But watch Law & Order: SVU and see how the format is exactly Perry - first half the crime, second half the courtroom, much like the lives of Stephanie, Mark, Brian, Leo, Roy, Paulette, Covino, Mackowski will be after the law catches up with them...in a perfect world!   Finn and Caraviello and Frisadi too.  Put them all in
SING SING and let them start SINGING!, Mr. Pamuso!