1,353,388 @ 9:35 pm
This is a Parody of Fictional Characters Who Think They are Public Figures
Any resemblance to anyone living or brain dead, take it up with the allegedly drunk husband...
As Mayor I, Stephanie, will control the conversation like Donald trump
Marks Michael: OBJECTION, why is one of the candidates M.C. of this "Hate Debate"
Don Paulato: You can't object in here without Snark Fumley's permission.
Marks Michael: Well, I'll let you have your way now if I can have my way with you later
Don Paulato: You know it, buddy. There are too few men in their forties willing to let an old geezer pushing eighty "give them a hand," if you know what I mean.
...by the way, I, Don Paulato, will M.C. this debacle.
We'd like to thank Gay Ramble - some phony real estate dude who wants to run a commission that he knows nothing about - for giving Stephanie the questions in advance, and to that old reprobate, Caul Pumoso for providing the Chinese Pizza and - as a back up - texting of the questions to Stephanie in case she can't read Gay Ramble's index cards. We love to cheat because if we let Bob or Breanna or David advance to the corner office, 9/10ths of Medfraud City Government that we know and love, and that you hate, will end up in prison confessing to Rev Chip out there in Sharon!
Don Paulato continues:
We'll let Stephanie go first, even though Tony McKillop won the straw vote, fuck him, we do things our way, not legitimately
Stephanie: Thank you, Don. I grew up in Medford, I love Medford, I look in the mirror and I love me. When the Captain says Aye Aye he is really talking about me and is saying I, I, I, I, I!
I love shopping at Kohl's, I love shopping at Weggies where the editor of this rag caught me red-handed, I love shopping at Marshalls. I support all our business with YOUR money on company time. I...
Marks Michael: Her time is up
Don Paulato: And your time will be up at the Russian Steam Bath in Chelsea this Friday night, Marks, if you keep interrupting
Marks Michael, who talks a good game but always caves in, cowers in the corner. Snark Fumley giggles like a 10th grade schoolgirl with a crush on the varsity coach...
Monday, June 3, 2019
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» Stephanie's HATE DEBATE at the Chevalier Theater
Stephanie's HATE DEBATE at the Chevalier Theater
By Information Central June 03, 2019