Monday, July 22, 2019

Breanna Lungo-Koehn's Make it or Break it Moment: The Firefighting Son

1,368,922 @ 8:21 am

The make it or break it moment for 
Breanna Lungo-Koehn

Mayor Burke is NOT transparent.  There are no "partners in progress."

Pull the curtain away from the wizard.  


Who knew that her son wants to be a firefighter and THE WAY STEPHANIE IS GOING ABOUT IT makes one pause. And think.

For this occasion I've made Breanna a present - it's right here, a tiny url:

CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION and Tracking Number: I-19-096 July 18, 2019

---former city councilor Paul A. Camuso is named in the 4 page document as "not participating."

a)Camuso was the "chair" of Mayor Burke's "Transition team" in 2016, and he's on the Civil Service Commission, and Burke's son wants to be a firefighter

   Isn't this a little too close for comfort? - Paul? Even for the likes of you!

Elysee Castor and Attorney Teresa Walsh were also on that "transition team."  Now you may say "Elysee who?"   Breanna Lungo-Koehn needs to scrutinize the ill-advised Transition team and POUNCE.

Back to Mayor Burke's faux pas with embracing Camuso:

b)The Constituent Services subcommittee is chaired by Paul Camuso.    Are you kidding me?

Are you comfortable, Medford, with a Civil Service Commission hearing regarding Mayor Burke and having Mr. Camuso's name showing up on a document?  

When Camuso was chair of Burke's Transition team and her Constituent Services subcommittee.

An individual like Mr. Camuso who would pull stunts on citizens outside of city hall, where the police had to get involved in October of 2006, if memory is correct.  Camuso, who got on TV3 during election time while the Friday night host repeatedly smeared Breanna Lungo-Koehn.

A meathead with a meat cleaver.  Grandma beware!

Attorney Lungo-Koehn knows Camuso all too well, and his wild antics on the council and elsewhere. 

 I'm so tired of the feigned decorum in Medford.

 Bob Maiocco and his 1.7 million dollar little problem at Wells Fargo.

Attorney Lungo-Koehn, look at the Channel 25 article at Mrs. Burke putting Christmas lights up with a ladder truck - date of publication, 11/30/18.

Then look into the December 1, 2018 document allegedly with Mrs. Burke's son as an applicant to be a firefighter.

The election is only 106 days away.   Mrs. Burke can overcome a LOT in those 106 days.

You cannot afford to let an opportunity like this slip away.

The gun magazine
The varsity coach and the powerful politician's daughter
The son of the mayor and the Medford Fire Department

Put on the boxing gloves and fight if you want to be mayor...otherwise you are wasting our time

Janis Joplin seized the moment at Monterey Pop

The band Quill, from Boston, blew it at Woodstock.

Joplin had the intuition, the folk singer became a huge acid rock star at that moment - she seized it.

Quill had super-stardom in their hand at Woodstock.  I interviewed the author of the 50th Anniversary book last week.

He said they were so boring he went to get a soda or something...and he was in the front row....

This is your moment, Breanna Lungo-Koehn - you can put your foot on the throat of the demon, Stephanie Muccini-Burke.  Don't let the monster thrive and survive, crush the infidel...that is, if you really want to be mayor.

This is not a game.  This is an election.    The past two candidates played "Mr. Nice Guy."  Where did that get them?

Take off the gloves and start punching and clawing if you want to be Mayor Breanna Lungo-Koehn

It's not going to be handed to you

It is time to fight

and I've just given you a big opportunity...

I'm an expert at Twitter...but you knew that.

So let's see, whether you like them or not, Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump used Twitter.  

Forget the outside consultants...every day you don't use a Twitter account is another day that Mayor Burke does.

What are you thinking?

Oh, that's right, outside consultants are thinking for you.

Dump them.   Go with your instincts.

This is your moment.   Play nice and lose.  The son of Muccini-Burke is fair game, and how Muccini-Burke is NOT transparent is the issue.

Joe Viglione