Sunday, July 21, 2019

Good Thing Burke's Son Wants to be a Firefighter

When his sister held the smoking, sizzling Bible for his mother, Stephanie Muccini-Burke, to take the oath (that Mrs. Burke fractures on a daily basis,)the brother realized that you need a firefighter around as the Bible started looking like the start of a 4th of July celebration, and let's paraphrase the late leader of Venezuela on George W Bush "and it smells of sulfur"  Where's Hugo Chavez when we need him to warn Chief Gilberti NOT to let the daughter's hand touch the sacred Bible?????

The Devil is right at home, in  this house
Chavez on Bush:
"and it smells of sulfur still today...the table I'm standing in front of..."

Son: Mommy, I've always wanted to be a firefighter

Stephanie: OK, we'll bully some veterans and do a little sleight of hand and get you the job...


Remember Lou Monte's song Lazy Mary?

You'd better marry a fireman
he'll come and go
go and come...