Monday, July 1, 2019

Two Stalkers Threten to Go to City Hall with "dirt" - oh my childish... Methinks Stephanie has Bigger Problems with Breanna Lungo-Koehn

1,361,625 @ 10:09 am

Stephanie Burke
Medford City Hall
Medford MA 02155

Dearest Stephanie:

I just received a threat that two stalkers are going to reach out to you to help them harass me!  As if YOU need any help!
On or about Tuesday June 25, 2019 I had to terminate a friendship and working relationship with a guy and his fiance because
he was engaging in plagiarism and writing headlines that were inaccurate.

Those of you who REALLY know me know that I walked away gracefully, keep them in my prayers, and just want to move on with my life.  BAM - Two more individuals in my life, like the woman that I had to take a now four-year harassment protection order out on.. 

I realize this delights Neil Osborne and Stephanie no end, that a 65 year old man is getting texts of a sexual nature, threats that they are "going to get mean" blah blah blah.    Please, by all means, engage with these individuals, it will help with my case against the city of
See the enclosed glowing letter. There's his name and former address.


He wants to make the threat - we'll just send it to the nest of vipers first.

It's all part of life.
