Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Confidential Whistleblower Coming to Us with Info on Stephanie

1,427,918 @ 11:51 pm

There are not enough hours in the day for all this stuff.

A whistleblower has come forward with two letters to my P.O. Box.

Vetting the information now.

People really hate Mrs. Burke

This individual appears to be part of a team, and they are terrified of being outed.

I can tell you this:

I have heard these "rumors" before - so it is nothing new,
and the information seems very credible.

It seems the person or persons has MORE evidence than what was handed to me before from multiple DIFFERENT sources.

Remember all the dirt we got on Medford Housing, DPW, etc. etc.

It has nothing to do with the police scandal, but it is SIMILAR to the police scandal, so do the math.

THIS IS CREDIBLE!  Still has to be vetted.