Sunday, October 20, 2019

Removing McGlynn's Long Time City Solicitor from Medford

1,420,879 @ 5:04 pm

A New Administration Means a New Staff

Why is the devil himself, McGlynn's city lawyer, Still Despoiling Medford City Life?

Rep Paul Donato  
“This is free speech. It’s the public’s right to listen to political speech. It’s the most protected right. I was just flabbergasted.” 

Mark E. Rumley is not honest with the citizens of Medford who pay him so handsomely.

He is a holdover from the 28 year McGlynn regime, and that is so very wrong.

Rep Paul Donato  
“This is free speech. It’s the public’s right to listen to political speech. It’s the most protected right. I was just flabbergasted.” 

If Mr. Rumley had a Scintilla of Decency he would step down.

Rumley wants to wear many hats, and if I even discuss one of them he will scream from the rooftops "religious discrimination."  Like Trump, blame the messenger.  He will demand an apology and try to run up my legal bills by harassing one of my attorneys.

Rumley is nothing but a big bully taking away your public access television, raping the community's free speech rights, and lying to the faces of the people paying him, the taxpayers, the cable ratepayers, while simultaneously lying to a retired judge.   Rumley is a walking piece of human garbage and loathes freedom of the press, my 1st Amendment right to tell you the truth about the highly fraudulent city solicitor of Medford

Rep Paul Donato  

“This is free speech. It’s the public’s right to listen to political speech. It’s the most protected right. I was just flabbergasted.” 

Rep Paul Donato  

“This is free speech. It’s the public’s right to listen to political speech. It’s the most protected right. I was just flabbergasted.” 

The City Lawyer, who was supposed to remove Medford Community Cablevision from ruining life in Medford, sits by while Lenny Scoletta, former board member of the board that Rumley also sat on at one or two points in time, Arthur Deluca, also a fraud board member appointed from the fruit of the poisonous tree, and Steve Bertorelli, all from TV3 Medford, are ruining the public access station.

The former conflicted board member,
Mark Rumley, should not be anywhere near our public access.

Rumley has murdered free speech in the city of Medford

Mark E. Rumley is a free speech murderer, during election cycles, violating his oath of office with impunity

In direct conflict with his oath of office, this lie:

City Solicitor Mark E. Rumley / Medford Daily Mercury 
on or about Nov. 16, 2008 (quoted from the 2nd Judge Jackson-Thompson hearing) saying:

“The one sentiment that I have heard that I take great exception to is that the city is trying to limit speech,” said Rumley. “The notion the city would censor or squelch free speech is baseless and as city solicitor I would find any such effort repugnant.”
