Saturday, October 19, 2019

October 19, 2019 8:56 am Joe Viglione Essay on THE CHEVALIER DEBATE

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First - if your computer lets you - drag the cursor over the video stream quickly and watch the body language.  Mrs. Burke is hurky jerky if you glide through the performances quickly.
Very telling.

Posted on Twitter
Medford Mayoral Debate October 16, 2019 This is an essay by Joe Viglione on how @breanna4mayor Breanna Lungo-Koehn vs @MayorofMedford Stephanie Muccini-Burke presented themselves to the #public. #BosPoli #MAPoli #NePoli #MedfordPoli #MedfordMassachusetts


Candidate for Mayor Breanna Lungo-Koehn discussed why Muccini-Burke does not "have a good vision."

It was a clean shot against the bow, an opinion based on fact.

At this point, the once poised candidate, Mrs. Burke, lost it.  Stephanie Burke became indignant, and in doing so, in losing her cool, Burke exposed herself.

Here's Lungo-Koehn being measured and matter-of-fact: "Development. Do it right. Get the community involved. Have a vision. Engagement. Collaboration and follow-through. We need to follow those three basic steps to move this city forward in the right way (Video time: 122:00)  Create affordable housing but keep the neighborhoods in mind.  Do what's best for the people."  Breanna Lungo-Koehn put her plan out there, and it is easy to follow. To great applause.

1:23:26 - look at Burke's body language, suddenly going wild: "They're not all bad (the developers) but again...It takes creative takes working with them and also expanding possibly our linkage...

Then, in the closing statement,  sounding unstable and unhinged, Mrs. Burke goes way off topic for her trademark mud-slinging she learned from Michael J. McGlynn's dirty tactics - blame the victim:

1:23:50 Mayor Burke Closing statement: "Before I start my statement I just wanted to make a quick comment because I take exception to the negative propaganda from our 18 year veteran here that she's used those smear tactics and (Burke losing it, shaking her head like a crazy woman)    versus rebuttals  fabrication versus fact and we should be championing our city not trying to tear it down."  Then Burke puts her glasses back on.  HOW LONG DID SHE STAND IN FRONT OF THE MIRROR TO PRACTICE THAT BACKSTABBING MOMENT?

Now whining it is Mrs. Burke engaged in propaganda, claiming to be a city C.E.O. (yeah, maybe the C.E.O. of Marshalls, Kohls and Wegmans!  You'll have a better chance of saying hi to her there) and Mrs. Burke has made a cottage industry of ducking citizens, making rude comments to residents she thinks did not vote for her, and displaying a rudeness and arrogance that makes for poor city government.  Governance that isn't.  She then reads off her endorsements like a bored housewife going down a shopping list, it wasn't effective, in fact, it is excellent evidence as to why the broken glass-on-chalkboard-voice is still not ready for prime time after four years of dismantling Medford.  No answer to the missing old doors at city hall, the missing curbstones, the missing copper at Medford Housing Authority, just - ho hum - let me do my nails now and get off this platform, I'm so allergic to public speaking and dealing with these peasants.

And most annoying, Mrs. Burke kept  "popping her p's" spitting into the microphone.  Who are her handlers.  Watch any of my speeches to the city council and notice that I control the microphone while Stephanie lets the microphone control her.  

    It was as annoying as Mrs. Burke's management skills and it showed a sloppiness: Mrs. Burke doesn't care enough to go take a few public speaking courses or, oh my God, ask the public access station that she hijacked from us to teach her how to utilize a microphone properly.  

Lungo-Koehn "Thank you. I tried to use as many facts as I could, I thought that's what a debate was but..."  OUCH, that's killing Mrs. Burke with kindness.

,,,,This is what an engaged community looks like. Debating choices in leadership style and policy positions makes us a better community.  This debate underscores that the residents of Medford have a choice to make on November 5th.

...Do we settle for a meager progress we see under my opponents administration with all the dysfunction and divisions that comes with it. Or do we set our sights for a different vision for how we work together. 

The last two to three years have let us down. We face serious challenges.  It's time for a new leader with new ideas, but also  a commitment to listen."

We need proactive planning around development, not reactive decisions made behind closed doors.  City Hall shouldn't propose half-baked plans and withdraw them without communication or transparency.:

Breanna makes an emphasis regarding the gun magazine and the police scandal.

"I Will Embrace Transparency and Accountability."

Please vote Breanna  November 5th.

A much bigger applause for Mrs. Lungo-Koehn


Mrs. Burke has divided our community in the same exact way that Donald J. Trump has divided America.

Both of them, Burke and Trump, do it for self-serving reasons.

The way city hall currently reacts to every single person with the courage to stand up at the city council to express their views says it all.

Citizens don't pay to be harassed and violated by a city lawyer who abuses his powerful position to hurt critics.

The Muccini-Burke administration IS organized crime with Stephanie Burke acting like some sort of princess instead of a community leader.

The nepotism the dysfunctional Burke family engages in, from the patriarch's profanity to the alleged misbehavior of the Burke children - go to the Bible 
for some real leadership on that one - try Google: 

"Sins of the Father or Sins of the Fathers derives from biblical references primarily in the books Exodus, Deuteronomy, and Numbers to the sins or iniquities of one generation passing to another."

The Muccini-Burke family is a living infection.  The past four years have been brutal, from Detective Mackowski, Paul Covino and other officers of the law colluding with
Richard F. Caraviello and violent ex-clerk Edward P. Finn to abuse taxpayer monies filing false charges on a critic rather than doing real policing.  Why? Because Covino,
Mackowski and their ilk are cowards.  They beat up on a senior citizen because they are too full of fear to protect the community from drunk driving officer Shawn Norton or alleged drunk driver Joe Sacco or alleged domestic violence cop Shawn Hughes, or violent retired cop Jimmy Lee ...the police in Medford cannot even police their violent selves, so they abuse their power, abuse their position - boo hoo...just because a journalist filed a public records request on the allegation that a member of Mrs. Burke's family allegedly was having sex with a Medford High School teacher ...or because the same journalist filed a complaint with the courts for Mrs. Burke's husband's clear violation of the canon of ethics as a court clerk.     "Payback Starts Tomorrow" Brian Burke was alleged to have blurted out after the 2015 election was stolen to put the creepy Burke family in a position of power.

After McGlynn the city needs more than The Munsters in control of Medford.   Mrs. Burke IS Morticia Adams, just look at her creepy performance on the above noted video.

Mud slinging and unavailability does not make a good mayor.

But that's only if you want to adhere to the facts over Muccini-Burke's incessant fiction.

In conclusion: this was not a very good debate.  Breanna is a much better speaker than she displayed at this event, Mrs. Burke's meltdowns could be seen by the bizarre body language.  The debate, in fact, was boring.  Both candidates would tiptoe through the tulips and then land a haymaker.  

Bob Penta's speech in 2015 was more vibrant, eloquent and soul-stirring.   David McKillop's campaign was lackluster while playing both sides against the middle.

There is no choice but to vote for Breanna Lungo-Koehn.  That only 446 people have viewed it since it aired on the evening of October 16 - about sixty hours ago at 
8:48 am this Saturday morning, in a city of 60,000 is quite telling.

By comparison, look at the page views on my news site, Medford Information Central dot com

Pageviews today
187  @ 8:50 am
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446 views from the lackluster TV station that Muccini-Burke hijacked    Yet in that same time period, look at how much attention a blog has received:

October 16, 2019   1,418,443@10:35 pm
October 19, 2019   1,420,103 @ 8:50 am     total  1,760   More than FOUR TIMES the online viewers of the debate - and I've promoted the link on
Facebook and on the news site. So what does that tell you about community interest?

In 60 or so hours a debate between two long-serving woman in a city of sixty thousand gets 446 views?
Meanwhile a blog in 60 hours gets 1,760 views? 

Where is the public interest in this election?

Election 2019 has been lackluster.  And that's sad.   What Medford does not need is two more years of the self-serving, equally "lackluster" Stephanie Muccini-Burke