Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Dear Stephanie and Mark Rumley

You owe me funding for Visual Radio

Encore Casino monies $$$$$$

Kathy Kreatz...please spell my name correctly!

You too Neil Osborne

The Committee will be responsible for reviewing financial requests and awarding funds to qualifying organizations throughout the City. The Committee consists of: Mayor Stephanie M. Burke; John Falco, President, Medford City Council; Kathy Kreatz, Vice Chair, Medford School Committee; Neil Osborne, Director, City of Medford’s Human Diversity Office; and Erin Rafferty, Medford resident and the CEO of the Wonderfund.

The City of Medford will receive $125,000 annually on or about September 30th. The Committee will distribute grants ranging from $1,000 to $25,000 annually.