Monday, March 16, 2020

City Council March 24, Will There Be A Meeting to Spank Knight's Bottom?

1,572,722 @ 12:56 pm

Council President John Falco
Medford City Hall 
85 George P. Hasset Drive    Room 207
Medford MA 02155 

To President Falco:

If there's a 3/24/2020 council meeting I may speak on two topics

1)The cleaning of the microphones with isopropyl alcohol; why a TV3 station manager is at city hall when the two employees listed on the city council web page list the names John McLaughlin and Rick Cormio as videographers

   During a crisis a station manager is entrusted to wipe microphones, supervise public safety. Just because some surrounding stations 
with non-profits operating them aren't keen on public safety doesn't mean our municipal access should have equally shoddy work.
     That's the problem with having someone looking for a paycheck rather than building Medford history in the driver's seat.
   Councilor Michael Marks stated that there is only one employee at the municipal P/E/G access - yet I see two additional P/E/G
 employees on the council website.  So while Patrick Gordon was supposed to be at the high school taking care of the PUBLIC side of P/E/G, where were Cormio and McLaughlin at the GOVERNMENTAL or G side of P/E/G?

   Also, it is my understanding that the E - Educational monies pay Allison Goldsberry, Jack Dempsey and Lisa Dunphy for  Educational.   That would make for six employees of P/E/G Municipal access television in Medford.

   Just want to ask Mr. Marks where he got his "one" employee since he and the council handle the budget.

   Are Goldsberry, Dempsey and Dunphy not doing Educational access work?   

   Is the 20 percent that is intended for the city council and Government access used to pay those salaries and, if so,  is the Public access monies paying for the Educational instead of going to a non-profit like MCCTV3 and if that's so, is the Educational Access money thrown into the whopping sixty percent known as the "general fund."

I think all citizens and those in surrounding communities using the access channel have a right to know how the franchise fee monies are distributed.   Michael Marks admits to being "very confused" how city government works, and he's a long-time councilor!

The mayor needs to address this issue - disbursement of the monies and how many employees there are since she has made TRANSPARENCY the cornerstone of her administration.    

The mayor needs to address the monies allegedly missing from Medford Community Cablevision, Inc., which I now have (recently received) documents on: 196 pages from the Attorney General's office, 75 pages from the mayor's office.

There is absolutely no transparency in this administration when it comes to P/E/G access, in lock-step with the two previous administrations efforts to hide what the heck is going on.   It is especially discouraging as when I found the former mayor and the former school superintendent flagrantly in violation of the Open Meeting Law vis-a-vis the 700k$$$ or so that I personally saved the city forcing Mayor McGlynn to terminate his agreement with Medford Community Cablevision, Inc. it was Breanna Lungo-Koehn who gladly took my information to the city council, for which I thank her.  Now that she's mayor, she can be very transparent about it.  Please do so!

Now Breanna is VERY aware who did the heavy lifting:  a)finding out about the Chapter 74 board violation of the Open Meeting Law so that the 700k or so could be spent in the dark of night  b)shutting down MCC TV3  c)and getting illegally blacklisted for my honest efforts on behalf of the community.

That is also something that needs scrutiny - the failure to air programming or the station manager ignoring an application request and failing to respond.  Dereliction of duty and obligation.

2) I would like to address the misconduct of Adam Knight and Zac Bears at the 3/10/2020 council meeting and hold President Falco's feet to the fire if he fails to reprimand his rogue councilors when they disrupt a meeting, as they did while I was speaking.

Duties of the Presiding Officer Rule 9.

The presiding officer shall preserve decorum and order, and shall decide all questions of order, 

If Falco is deciding to allow zero decorum and "discipline out the window" (Tommy Lee Jones, Under Siege 1) then Falco needs to step down.

Knight's wrongful conduct, seconded by Bears, aimed at censoring a speaker, is in violation of the council rules, their oath of office, as well as the provisions in the Comcast and Verizon contracts making censorship a violation of those contracts.  My letters to the cable providers and the authorities in Boston will be presented to the council president. 

Go to 5.6 of the Verizon agreement regarding Censorship
When members of the public come to me because they can't get anywhere with Pat Gordon, there's a problem.
Verizon Agreement

Go to 6.8 of the Comcast contract, same thing.
Our goal is to bring some sanity, discipline, transparency and responsibility to Medford.

Michael Marks allegedly said "Joe Vig was right" in April of 2018 in regards to access television.  

After Marks got his own TV show he seems to have changed his tune.  Like Captain Kirk said of the villainous Khan Noonien Singh: "I'll give him this; he's consistent." 
Mr. Spock might as well have been talking about Michael Marks when he accused Khan of "two dimensional thinking" in the same film.

"A two-dimensional thinker sees the world as a polarized place. Who you are and what you believe becomes categorical. It is either one way or the other. These individuals can see facts, but truth eludes them because the facts are generally considered without context."

That's our Michael Marks, now - isn't it?

Let's discuss this like adults, Mr. Falco, 3/24/2020 without Mr. Knight's incessant juvenile behavior disrupting another council meeting in violation of the rules Knight is obsessed with changing.

Maybe the city council can speak truthfully about Patrick Gordon's deficiencies with the facts I have obtained, not council fancy.

Yours in Access Television Rights,

Joe Viglione