Friday, March 27, 2020

Corona Virus Tips from "Kristy" out there in a solitary world

1,580,622 @ 9:05 am - all time views at Perry Mason time (9-10 am on Me TV)
31,457 past month
419,378 to two million page views...

I Feel like Vincent Price in

Not the Charlton Heston (Omega Man,) or
Will Smith (I Am Legend) films, the original with Vincent out there in Corona Land...just putting the recycling out there today is creepy ...

I always wanted to own my own planet, here's my big chance, to paraphrase the film Transporter

The good thing about all this?   It feels like a
Mike McGlynn-Free Zone....a better world, indeed.

Hi everyone. Zippia, a career resource company in San Francisco, has developed a new guide to help Medford workers find jobs during the pandemic and beyond:

This guide has resources for how to find work online, a search of remote jobs (updated every minute) and other useful information for job seekers. Much of this information is not common knowledge, and Zippia believes if it is used by Medford residents who have recently been laid off, it can make a big difference in lowering the temporary unemployment rate in Medford.
As the career experts, Zippia wants to make this information available and easy to find for people affected by the virus. Feel free to use any of the images or data from our guide in a story.
Take care,