Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Proposed Submission Form for Medford Community Media

As our tech guys, plural, are working on the Visual Radio-Net site and Community Media Medford sites today, and the development of a new program, Classic Visual Radio, we have proposed a new submission form outside of the totally sick mind of Mark E. Rumley who wanted innocent people mailing in their show to look like child rapists.

Obviously, you know where Rumley's mind is at, censorship and denial of rights.  What a sicko!


Here's the new - proposed - submission form which protects producers from angry, jealous station managers:


Medford Community Media – Municipality access controlled by the city, having less time for producers than other public channels, has a duty and obligation to the community in this region to be fair with the access airwaves.  See Demarest vs. Athol/Orange where a judge ruled access TV news gatherers have the same rights as professionals.

We understand that some producers are afraid of a jealous, angry station manager derelict in his duties, thus, we offer a mail-in submission form so that any false accusations and libelous attacks members suffered under Medford Community Cablevision, Inc. faced will be averted by sending the program via the internet, electronic mail, or by the U.S. Postal Service.

The Producer Agreement and Indemnification Form required to be completed by each person, organization or other entity (the "Producer") that requests that MCM carry its programming (the "Producer Agreement") is fulfilled by the signing of this submission form.

While this Waiver to be an on-site member is in effect the undersigned shall, however, be permitted to enter Medford High School as a visitor in accordance with all of the requirements of Medford High School that are applicable to visitors.

Such right of access shall include that portion of the Premises occupied by MCM.

Signed as a sealed instrument this ____ day of OMarch, 2020. MEDFORD COMMUNITY MEDIA By____________________________ Patrick Gordon,, Station Manager I hereby agree to the foregoing: ______________________________ ______________________________ (Signature) (Email) ______________________________ _______________________________ (Print Name) (Phone) ______________________________ (Address) ______________________________ _______________________