Monday, June 22, 2015

Muccini-Burke - a Partner in Deception

357,339 page views 12:22 PM
357,329 @ 12:10 pm  Google Street Sight just drove by
357,319 @ 11:51 am
357,017 @ 1:51 am
302 page views in 600 minutes

We're going to be addressing the alleged
"platform" of the former budget director.

It's like a junk bond,

all frill and no substance,
no integrity.

Have you seen her alleged "platform" ???

it is so milk-toast as to insult the intelligence
of every Medford resident

Partners in Deceptive Business Practices
McGlynn and Muccini-Burke
more of the same hideous nonsense at Medford City Hell

Where is the free speech platform?

Why is Channel 3 dark when a proposal was sent in and an election is 133 days away?

133 days to November 3
Threes are up today!!!