Sunday, October 15, 2017

Atty Ben Heller (Allan Rich) in the film DISCLOSURE - re Donato Alleged Grab of Michael Marks

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Allan Rich as Atty Ben Heller in "Disclosure"

"It was nothing" Michael Douglas said to Attorney Heller in regards to the jokes that the staff were making about Demi Moore's sex appeal in the office  (a True STORY - the company was named DIGICOM but you can figure out which company where the sex assault allegedly happened) 

"BUT YOU LAUGHED" Attorney Heller might have well been talking to Stephanie Muccini-Burke instead of Michael Douglas


Stephanie Burke thinks this is funny when a lewd sex act happens in front of children on high school property.

 Your Children Are in DANGER when a mayor laughs at a crude masturbation joke in front of children at the high school