Monday, October 2, 2017

Complaint on Ben Brown for AGE DISCRIMINATION

1,064,609 @ 11:53 pm
172 since 8 pm
Neil Osborne
Diversity and Inclusion
Medford City Hall
Medford MA 02155

RE: Age Discrimination Complaint on Ben Brown, Muccini-Burke's Station Manager of the new TV3

Dear Mr. Osborne:

After I spoke eye to eye with Mayor Stephanie Muccini-Burke at the school committee meeting, I spoke with Ben Brown about why he is not working hard to facilitate programming.  He had many excuses, he has to build a website, he can't post station hours until after the open house (Sunday) October 15 (that's less than a month before the election - what a vulgar ploy by Muccini-Burke) etc. etc.

Here's the complaint:  Mr. Brown was antagonistic and unfriendly as Mark E. Rumley was to me last Thursday.
What is it with these alleged "public servants" intimidating people?

Ben Brown was asked why he is denying us access with the 5 page "Agreement."  He fumbles with his excuses, "the city" -is his favorite target.  I noted to him that Mark E. Rumley blamed him for the 5 page agreement except fot the CORI check Ben shrugged his shoulders in a "so what" fashion.  Guess $67,500.00 is enough money for that young man to do what he is ordered to do, no matter how antagonistic it is to senior citizens and other Medford residents.

Here's where I felt very uncomfortable.  After I was, as usual, calm cool and collected speaking to the mayor at the podium, and when I entered Ben's office there were lots of teachers outside leaving the access station, David McKillop at the door shaking hands and speaking, Ben Brown blurts out that this calm, cool collected person was "angry."  

My reply: Let's see, Ben, I just spoke to the mayor calm cool and collected. I'm fine.

Then he switched gears knowing that that lie didn't work.  "You yelled at me at the council meeting " (9/19/17 - go watch the video.)  "No, Ben, I was giving my fire and brimstone Reverend Donald Trump speech."  Here's the question I have for you...why was there feedback for all the speakers except for me.

Ben Brown "I don't know."

Joe V: "Because you, Ben, didn't handle the audio correctly."

OK< get ready for a whopper of an admission of incompetence.  "I couldn't run back to the studio to work the audio" (paraphrased.)

Joe V:  "Really, Ben?  All you had to do was tell speakers to get eight inches away from the microphone.  Just as I sopke eight inches from the microphone."

Ben Brown's own mouth removed all doubt about his incompetence to competenly facilitate programming, do outreach and record our P/E/G access properly.

We saw when I exposed Ed Finn that he physically assaulted me; we saw Leo Sacco's crew admit their guilt in not going after Ed Finn for assaulting a senior citizen when they filed false charges on the victim.  They couldn't file false charges if Finn hadn't committed a crime.  No crime, no witness.  The court disagreed with Leo Sacco's crew, at the cost of thousands of dollars to the victim. Meanwhile eight days prior to the trial Joe Sacco was pulled over for alleged drunk driving and Chief Sacco's son got a ride home, his gun taken away from him, no sobriety test, no breathalyzer.

That's the kind of stuff we are investigating.

Ben Brown's obstinate and angry abuse of residents is chilling.  I told Ben in our meeting that I feel very uncomfortable at the thought of working at the Medford access station.  Now since I pay a franchise fee, and Ben Brown, Mark RUmley and Stephanie Burke make me and others feel uncomfortable with their rhetoric, excuses, dragging their feet over opening the access station, then Burke, Rumley and Ben Brown have to be removed from the access TV station.

This is Dawn Natalia all over again and it is ugly.  Ben Brown then said he didn't like being called "young man."
I'm sixty-three years old.  He is not only a young man, he is out of his depth and has not a clue about running a television station.

Then Ben Brown got defensive  "I've managed more than Brookline Interactive Group"  

So I asked which stations.  "I'm not telling  you" was Ben Brown's response.

Wow.  So much for a city employee being non-transparent.  Nothing a public records request can't cure.
What an immature thing to say "I'm not telling you."  But what his rude comment did tell us was that 
Ben is singling me out and discriminating against me.  

Muccini-Burke hired for a station manager someone who did lighting for a Jimmy Buffet tribute band for two months.

Wow.  So exciting.

Of course representing Rolling Stones producer Jimmy Miller for many years, learning production techniques from the master, and being Director of Research for a national TV company that created Paul Sorvino and Marilyn Horne specials for PBS, or managing AM 1570 and AM 1670 as well as being on the board of Boston Free Radio where I am now an advisor, those facts pale in comparison to being a lighting person for two months for a Jimmy Buffet tribute band. 


I will speak to you on Tuesday, Mr. Osborn, about the intimidation tactics of the exclusionary access TV station.

You, Mr. Osborne, are the INCLUSION Director who stood there and said nothing when I wanted to tape a meeting on disability last week.  More EXCLUSIONARY than INCLUSIONARY, but what the heck, you are the guy, Mr. Osborne, who called for Roy Belson to step down, and you are the guy who called the access TV station situation "frustrating."

Yes, Inclusion and Diversity Director, we have seen how senior citizens are treated in Medford. Pure AGE DISCRIMINATION by Ben Brown and Mark Rumley, with his eyes full of anger and hate in the meeting I had with him last week.

Mr. Brown doesn't have the temperament.  He doesn't have the knowledge or experience.  He is Muccini-Burke's slave, and it is a conflict for Muccini-Burke to be both Issuing Authority and in charge of access.  You did see her deer-in-the-headlights look when I spoke eloquently at the school committee tonight, didn't you?

Mr. Osborne, do your job.  We want inclusion.  Shameful that an NAACP director has his head in the sand when the resident of Medford need his help

This is TV3 Medford all over again, and you must stop the censorship tactics fracruring this election NOW.
Paul Donato appears to afraid to do his job, do you have the courage, Mr. Osborne?


Joe Viglione

Ben Brown | Professional Profile - LinkedIn 
Brookline, Massachusetts - ‎Station Manager at Medford Community Media - City Of Medford - ‎Medford Community Media - City Of Medford 
View Ben Brown's professional profile on LinkedIn. LinkedIn is ... Brookline Interactive Group,; Northampton Community Television,; Changes in Latitude Band.

Ben Brown 
Station Manager at Medford Community Media - City Of Medford 
Brookline, MassachusettsBroadcast Media 
Medford Community Media - City Of Medford, Naismith Memorial Basketball Hall of Fame 
Brookline Interactive Group, Northampton Community Television, Changes in Latitude Band 
The New England Institute of Art 
Personal Website 
Company Website 
Company Website

Station Manager 
Medford Community Media - City Of Medford 
July 2017 – Present (4 months) 
Naismith Memorial Basketball Hall of Fame 
Broadcast and Technology Consultant 
Naismith Memorial Basketball Hall of Fame 
May 2005 – Present (12 years 6 months)Springfield, Massachusetts Area 
- Act as primary contact for broadcasted events 
- Produce internal marketing videos of events 
- Serve as on-call emergency tech support for end users, as well as technical staff 
Brookline Interactive Group 
Technical Operations Manager 
Brookline Interactive Group 
November 2010 – July 2017 (6 years 9 months) 
- Manage two HD control rooms and two studios 
- Led the station’s transition from an SD to an HD playback server 
- Built and maintain a mobile HD production unit, including a Broadcast Pix switcher and tapeless recording formats 
- Provide operation and onsite support for all above projects as well as an Edit Share system 
- Teach multiple studio production adult education classes. 
Access Coordinator 
Northampton Community Television 
May 2009 – November 2010 (1 year 7 months) 
- Supervised all productions going through the station 
- Developed new programming 
- Managed station engineering 
- Acted as project leader for a transition from a Tricaster based control room to a Sony DVS-1000c Based control room 
Video/Lighting Director 
Changes in Latitude Band 
June 2010 – July 2010 (2 months) 
-Traveled with a nationally touring Jimmy Buffet tribute band to several shows and created an in arena video package as well as a standardized light show 
Video Production Coordinator 
Jesus Christ Superstar Production 
January 2010 – May 2010 (5 months) 
-Coordinated and produced a multi-camera production to go along with and be a part of the stage performance 
Certified Technology Specialist 
InfoComm International 
June 2013 – Present

I am an audio visual and broadcast design consultant/engineer. I have worked in public access since graduating from the New England Institute of Art in 2009. I am currently the technical operations manager at Brookline Interactive Group, formally BATV. I also have experience as a broadcast and technology consultant at the Naismith Memorial Basketball Hall of Fame. Please feel free to explore my resume and email me if you want to connect further. 

Specialties: Broadcast Engineering, Lighting, Directing Live to air and Live to Tape, Final Cut Pro, Avid Media Composer, Grass Valley Kayak,