Sept. 23, 2017
6:07 p.m.; Mystic Valley Parkway – Larceny was reported at the Andrews Middle School
Yeah, Stephanie and Roy stole public access and a coupld of their coaches stole the virginity of students...allegedly!
4:30 p.m.; Fellsway West and Paris Street – Larceny was reported.
Stephanie tried to steal the biggest tree on the street.
September 24, 2017 ..."a suspicious person was reported."
Dr. Rubies with his 2 wheel shopping-cart thingy coming back from a visit to AmazingStore dot net or whatever?
Sept. 24
3:06 a.m.; Eliot Street – A suspicious person was reported.
1:00 p.m.; Bow Street and Braemore Road – A motor vehicle accident was reported.
1:30 p.m.; Main Street – A suspicious person was reported.
Sept. 26
1:04 a.m.; Rivers Edge Drive – A suspicious person was reported.
The "Old" police logs used to give names of people arrested or being violent? Why has that changed?
Probably because it is all the same person, Lori, Dr. Rubies from the old 3TV !!!!!! Why waste ink when it is the same damn reprobate causing all the trouble in this city.