Monday, October 9, 2017

Rumley's Intimidation Tactics, Censorship and Lies to the Public

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A lawyer takes an oath.
A public official takes an oath.

There is more evidence to support that the city solicitor, Mark E. Rumley, is the culprit when it comes to depriving Medford residents of their access TV.

Residents shouldn't be dragged into court by the abuse of access TV funds as this resident was, as Pat Fiorello was.

There's something distinctly WRONG about having to protect oneself from a psychotic station manager who circles a man's home at 2 in the morning blasting his horn.

But Mark Rumley did nothing to stop the deranged person Rumley told my lawyer he knew was a "hothead."

A hothead.  What did Rumley do to stop the "hothead" when Mayor McGlynn was prancing around with that extremely dangerous individual on the television?

McGlynn dictates the orders and Mark Rumley has no shame, no conscience when he is ordered to jump.  Rumley says to Mike McGlynn "how high?"

Mark Rumley has censored you, Medford, and he lies about it.

Solicitor Rumley is a liar and not to be trusted.

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