Thursday, October 5, 2017

Viglione to speak at School Committee 10/16 day after Sunday Open House of TV3 10 am to Noon

1,066,375 @ 4:50 pm

Roy E. Belson
489 Winthrop Street
Medford, MA 02155
(781) 393-2101

RE: Community Participation

Please put me on the agenda for 10/16/17 - see information below.


Out of respect for the teachers and their community participation I did not give my planned full speech on the Violation of the Open Meeting Law by the Chapter 74 board at the 10/2/17 meeting.   I referenced it once in my praise of the teachers.

As this is a vitally important topic, and certainly a violation that was no mere oversight under the purview of our esteemed and very specific and smart with attention-to-detail School Superintendent, the public has a need to know about the Attorney General's determination and how to put safeguards in place to protect the residents.

I wouild like to be on the agenda during the Public Participation portion of the school committee meeting 10/16/17

Petition: Joe Viglione, 59 Garfield Ave, Medford MA 02215  617 899 5926

To discuss the Chapter 74 board's violation of the OPEN MEETING LAW as determined by the office of the Attorney General Maura Healey, how the violation of OML was detrimental to the cable TV subscribers paying the franchise fee, and how that violation benefited the mayor's unethical control of public access television.

Petioner would like to discuss how to re-visit the alleged "Chapter 74" board's impact on the Public aspect of Public/Educational/Governmental access, how the monies are distributed, and how we can all be "Partners in Progress" by building a watchdog group to oversee the distribution of the monies fairly to all aspects of P/E/G access.

We need to know how the board members were chosen, why outsiders were picked as opposed to Medford residents with veteran status in the world of P/E/G media, and if we are partners-in-progress, why the partnership was with people from Revere and elsewhere and not the city of Medford.

Please, none of Superintendent Belson's double-talk, defensive rhetoric and out-of-school commentary because of his dislike for the petitioner doing yeoman's work to benefit our city.  

Mayor Muccini-Burke praises herself for transparency and being "partners in progress," two subjects which - in reality - she appears to be allergic to.   

We citizens have a First Amendment right to give information of VITAL IMPORTANCE and GREAT COMMUNITY INTEREST to the public suffering under a media blackout better fit for the Kremlin, not Medford, Massachusetts.

I will not apologize for reporting on the actions of public servants who fail to serve the public.

As stated directly to Mrs. Burke this past Monday: WE LIVE HERE TOO

Donato said. “This is free speech. It’s the public’s right to listen to political speech. It’s the most protected right. I was just flabbergasted.”

A Community Participation portion of the agenda be established which will give any citizen the privilege of placing any item before the School Committee or be heard on any item. Any item to be presented must be submitted in writing to the Superintendent of Schools by the Wednesday noon prior to the scheduled meeting, with a maximum of five (5) minutes allowed for any one presentation.

VI. Community Participation
– McGlynn Middle school Teachers on Medford Public Schools Action Plan 


Joe Viglione