Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Why Belson's UNETHICAL Chapter 74 Board is a BIG DEAL

A letter to the City Council

Donato said. “This is free speech. It’s the public’s right to listen to political speech. It’s the most protected right. I was just flabbergasted.”

To Breanna Lungo-Koehn and Michael Marks

They way Solicitor Mark Rumley and Superintendent Belson disgraced themselves last night at the city council is cause for deep concern.

By Mr. Rumley's standard you must picture O.J. Simpson going up to the judge and saying "Yes, I admit that you caught me committing armed robbery. Because I confess you should let me go now."

Problem for Mr. Rumley is that I don't think OJ Simpson took advantage of $650,000.00 approximately in taxpayer and ratepayer funds from Verizon and Comcast - it was the city of Medford that did.

O. J. Simpson. On the night of September 13, 2007, a group of men led by Simpson entered a room in the Palace Station hotel in Las Vegas, Nevada. On the night of September 12, 2017 Ray Scarfo, Cheryl Rodriguez, Andy Castagnetti, George Sacco and others were ripped off by the censorship of Mark E. Rumley and the Mayor, Muccini-Burke, a clear scheme concocted to keep new candidates off of the public access airwaves while Muccini-Burke and Rumley and Roy E. Belson hijacked it for:

a)a film premeire in June 2017
b)city council and school committee meetings
c)feet-dragging over public access with a young novice, Ben Brown, deluding himself that his thin resume is the veteran experience and knowledge of Medford that our city desperately needs.

Does any sane, logical person think a young man who graduated N.E.I.A. (it's not Harvard or M.I.T.) with two months of lighting on a Jimmy Buffet tribute band tour is the kind of person that can right the ship in a city where access TV monies go into the general fund, to pay Allison Goldsberry, Jack Dempsey and Lisa Dunphy, with poor audio and visual at the city council for years and years and years...and Belson and Rumley feed you horse manure dripping from their mouths last night...they made O.J. Simpson look like an honest man! by comparison.

OJ didn't take your $650k, Medford, Rumley, Muccini-Burke, Belson, Heidi Riccio, Paulette Van der Kloot, these are the culprits not being transparent about public access funds, cheating the candidates and Paul Donato missing-in-action with all his hyperbole about this being "the most protected right" - yet your anti-bullying State Rep Donato is fighting David McKillop to get the lead role of the remake of THE INVISIBLE MAN

Universal Pictures and their Dark Universe can save a bundle letting those two duke it out for the starring role.


They violated the law. How dare a city solicitor who holds himself up to be some noble, honest, wonderful, kind, charitable human being go up there and lie to the city. The truth is that after 15 years of Mr. Rumley's double-talked, creepy forked-tongued rants and embellishment, magnifications of facts overstatement and exaggerations, that he thinks his magic wand will continue to work to deceive the public.

Now here is the fact of the matter: The Public Access TV Board, the Radio/Television Commission or whatever they want to call it this week, was DISGUISED as a Chapter 74 board with people that are involved in Access Television - many not even from our city. They discussed the public access station manager. They were caught VIOLATING the Open Meeting Law by the office of the Attorney General and you, dear Medford citizen, were ripped off from having ANY INFORMATION on political candidates before the 9/12/17 primary election.

Do you get it, Medford? Mayor Burke has her smug arrogant face all over the P/E/G channels, while candidates are expected to submit a CORI to Roy E. Belson for inspection - the fraud involved in the bomb-sniffing dog fiasco, failure to tell the parents fiasco, Jenna Tarabelsi with allegedly three students, a young 15 year old boy allegedly has "pictures of her breasts" all on Roy Belson's watch (Belson calls my blog vulgar - for reporting pictures of her breasts or two Dello Russo family members going to prison? Or maybe Muccini-Burke's husband calling me an obscenity! I report their misconduct, Belson and Mrs. Burke call me vulgar...the ultimate in deflecting by psychological projection:
Psychological projection - Wikipedia
Psychological projection is a theory in psychology in which humans defend themselves against their own unconscious impulses or qualities (both positive and negative) by denying their existence in themselves while attributing them to others.

Donato said. “This is free speech. It’s the public’s right to listen to political speech. It’s the most protected right. I was just flabbergasted.”

These creepy people do not safeguard your kids. The ugly metaphor is 9/11 and how the victims get strip-searched at airports, the government using a tragedy to harass the innocent victims.

So Belson is responsible for Mark Smith's pension, allegedly, a school teacher who never reported the assault he was convicted of, and the allegations surrounding him which are allegedly far worse, according to the alleged victim who came to me to give a report, than what the city told you; Jenna Tarabelsi with red flags around her and the varsity coach and a powerful politicians daughter allegedly having illicit sex and the alleged crime swept under the rug by - allegedly - Belson, Muccini-Burke, Police Chief "My son needs a ride home, take his gun, no breathalyzer" Sacco (1/23/17 Chief Sacco's son was NOT arrested for alleged drunk driving) and possibly others.

They should all be on trial, not taking our money and spitting in our faces.

Oh, and think about this: the phony trial Rick Caraviello put me through was not about Caraviello's lies to the police, Ed Finn's physical assault on my person, it was retaliation for me filing a December 3, 2015 Public Records Request with Belson and Chief Sacco about a varsity coach and a powerful politician's daughter allegedly having illicit sex, the bomb sniffing dogs etc.

I filed this on Dec 3 2015; the police started a phony case against me December 8, 2015

Do the simple math. Then Rumley, in more psychological projection, or was it Belson, last night say there's no James Bond clandestine skullduggery - (underhanded or unscrupulous behavior; trickery. - dictionary definition)

When an innocent citizen is victimized by an ugly city clerk who slugs him, and they press charges on the victim, rest assured, Medford, your 650k is as missing in action as Rep Donato,
and why Mark Rumley, Muccini-Burke, Belson and Chief Sacco are not up on charges is the question, isn't it?

Donato said. “This is free speech. It’s the public’s right to listen to political speech. It’s the most protected right. I was just flabbergasted.”

Someone get Donato a drink. How can he say that with a straight face and know, first hand, when he spoke with me on the phone a couple of weeks ago, what is going on in the city he is supposed to protect.

The Chapter 74 is a HUGE violation that was so big Rumley and Belson had to come to the council to try to defend the indefensible. We're not buying. We know what Roy and Mark are up to, and when fifty teachers show up and say how unhappy they are, and when citizens see no public access for election 2017, controlled access with a clown from Brookline Interactive no better than the last individual we had ruining our tv station, you damn well better call the authorities and ask the Federal Bureau of Investigation to look into the unholy trio of Belson, Muccini-Burke and Rumley.

This has gone on too long. City officials lying to the public when they are paid to be PUBLIC SERVANTS. DId you ever ask yourselves why I file so many PUBLIC RECORDS REQUESTS and OPEN MEETING LAW VIOLATIONS and repeatedly catch these thugs? It is because they fail to be transparent with the people they take money from.

I'm here to help.

Joe Viglione tel 617 899 5926

"I'm here to make sure that this TV station is the best it can be for

ourselves and for our children" Judge Marie O. Jackson-Thompson (retired)

City Solicitor Mark E. Rumley / Medford Daily Mercury on or about Nov. 16, 2008 (quoted from the 2nd Judge Jackson-Thompson hearing) saying:

“The one sentiment that I have heard that I take great exception to is that the city is trying to limit speech,” said Rumley. “The notion the city would censor or squelch free speech is baseless and as city solicitor I would find any such effort repugnant.”

On Sept. 1, 2016 Medford Solicitor Rumley was removed from a witness stand by a judge for testimony deemed "irrelevant." On September 28, 2017,

Rumley admitted that he put the demand for a CORI check into the public

access producer agreement. The victim in the 2016 case told Rumley to

his face on 9/28/17 that Rumley's CORI demand was in direct conflict

with the above statement to the retired judge that the city would

squelch free speech. The solicitor - enraged with livid eyes that were infuriated - has a lot of hot air but no respect for the citizens

paying his enormous, bloated salary. This is NOT a man who cares about the citizens of Medford or their civil rights.

Donato said. “This is free speech. It’s the public’s right to listen to political speech. It’s the most protected right. I was just flabbergasted.”