Monday, October 7, 2019

10:07 am Letter to Marian Ryan, Chief Buckley, Rumley, all the reprobates in the criminal city of Medford

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This e mail is sent to get the information on the public record.  We realize that the police, Rumley and city hall ignore the facts and seek to retaliate and get revenge, which is exactly WHY this needs to be on the public record.

The public is invited to send Public Records Requests for past messages under FOIA, Freedom of Information Act.

This is a library of Medford city malfeasance we are building for the present and the future. Citizens need to get motivated.

28 days out from the election and this message posts on Facebook, Twitter and my magazine, Medford Info Central (21,389 hits past month; 1,412,797 all-time page views 9:37 am - this morning = one million four hundred and twelve thousand, seven hundred and ninety seven page views.  SOMEONE is reading this, AND it gets entrenched in Bing, Google and other
search engines so that world can know the harassment exacted on citizens in Medford by police and city government.

More complaints on Mark Rumley and Chief Buckley - see WAR: Women Against Rumley (below).

Marian Ryan is knee deep in the Medford malfeasance.

Why would a District Attorney take a case regarding the Medford Police Department 28 days away from the Nov 5 election?

Very simple - the same reason Mark Rumley threw his conflicted "investigation" into the 501c3 that he was part of the board of directors of - they are obstructing justice with these dog and pony shows.
Front page Medford Transcript online: Medford Police Chief Buckley is exposed today as the charlatan that he is.

Buckley says he has "overwhelming" support - yeah, from 27 disgraced cops, a city lawyer with unclean hands and a puppet mayor Burke who works as the surrogate for Michael J. McGlynn - disgraced exiled ex-mayor.

Transcript facts in opposition to Chief Buckley's "overwhelming support." Buckley sounds like impeachable Trump with his rhetoric:

"Lungo-Koehn was “offended” Buckley deemed the council’s concerns as “political,” and she wants the public to be notified when more information is available.
“My first reaction was sadness,” Lungo-Koehn said of learning about the news. “This is the department that keeps us safe. Something went wrong. We need to work to build the public’s trust back up. People are concerned.”

All Stephanie Muccini-Burke does is hide things - be it a student (her daughter, allegedly) having an affair with a teacher, or her son allegedly forced on an all-star team he purportedly didn't have the skills for, in place of a qualified African American athlete, a coach
allegedly resigning in disgust.

These are NOT public servants.  Not when the mayor seems to flip the bird to firefighters (Firefighters backing Lungo-Koehn, Burke's opponent) or Paul Donato sexually harassing a council vice president in front of two little kids and a student - 10:30 am 10-15-17 - want to see the photos again, Marian?   See two photos below, absolutely vile and disgusting behavior - Mayor Burke laughing at Donato's grab of councilor Michael Marks' erogenous zone, in front of little children.

The useless city council voted 5-2 not to (and here come the City Hall talking points) involve in a "personnel matter."  Is there an echo in here, Knight and Dello Russo, two individuals who really need to get a room, the Bobbsey Twins of the Medford Council - heck, rumor has it that Adam Knight hates Stephanie Burke and is fighting with his own mother currently (allegedly.)  Isn't it sad that a "public servant" can't seemingly (allegedly) get along with his own mom, hates Stephanie just as much (purportedly) yet does Stephanie's bidding anyway for that 30K council seat?  Now there's an individual with no scruples, Adam Knight.  Hey, Adam, you still using the company computer to push your campaign during the day, a government computer?  ALLEGEDLY.  That's the rumor in town.

Hey, Marian Ryan, if the rumor is true, is that even legal during an election?

Contact the DIA Lawrence Conciliation Unit

Contact the conciliation unit in our Lawrence office.

Good old union boy, Adam!  Not!
At least when the mayor wants to make peace with her mom she stashes her in housing, allegedly to keep her away from the foul-mouthed husband Brian P. for Profanity Burke.  Or is it Brian S. is for Stephanie Burke or Brian F. as in xxxx Burke court clerk.

So here's the Medford Transcript in direct conflict with Police Chief Buckley's talking points of everything's lovely, these are good men and women ( who ripped off the city of Medford...)

“We are capable of moving forward,” Buckley said. “I don’t condone what happened. We will continue to build trust in the community. The Police Department is sound. We will learn from this.”

Give us the names of the 27 officers!

You call it a "personnel matter?"  Really?  Well, your personnel allegedly are crooks and thieves that you are covering for.

It's not a personnel matter, it's a public safety issue.  Allegedly they robbed the public and you want to keep them on the payroll.

Chief Buckley's not listening.  We just want this on public record for the safety OF the public.


WAR - Women Against Rumley

A woman writes to me, very publicly:

not a fan of rumley.I watched him on the city council talk down to women, Breanna being one of them. 
I was so outraged that I called the mayors office. 
I also witnessed him at the last city council before summer where Burke tried to ram through a disastrous zoning change. 
There was a woman speaking at the podium and got up and left. 
He looked over to someone in my direction, don’t know who, and put his finger in his mouth as if to gag. 
What arrogance; how juvenile!

Remember when Mr. Rumley called TV3 tenth graders and sophomoric?  Since he was appointed to their board, clearly, the city lawyer was talking about himself.  His antics fighting Michael Marks are every bit as juvenile as TV3 Medford was.  Hypocrite.

Read the Transcript:

Joe Viglione