Thursday, October 3, 2019

Crooked Chief Buckley, Crooked Mayor Burke and Crooked Mark Rumley Must GO! NOW!

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"This person did the right thing when it wasn't politically popular"


The Public at large does NOT trust Stephanie Muccini-Burke.  

Mayor Burke, Solicitor Rumley and Chief Buckley of the Medford Police provide that public at large with inaccurate information.  It's called the power of suggestion.

Rather than hold themselves to the highest of standards, these phony public servants deceive and demand the trust of the people.

The public trust is shattered and the reality of our situation is that Buckley, Rumley and Burke end up as damaged goods as transparent as the emperor with his new clothes.  Naked for all the world to see.

WCVB TV notes: "Officers collected between $250 and $2000 in pay to which they were not entitled "

Chief Buckley's dishonest response:   "These are good men and women."

Good men and women who collected pay "to which they were not entitled."   ????? 

In what universe outside of Buckley's manufactured political lunacy.  We hear this garbage daily from a fraudulent president, we will NOT accept it
from those who took an oath of office to "serve and protect."  They do nothing of the sort.

Here's an example of Chief Buckley's rhetoric - right on his own biography page on the Medford Police website:

"I firmly believe we have one of the best police departments around and that distinction is derived from the devotion given every single day by the patrol officers and the patrol supervisors of this police department. I am truly honored to have the opportunity to lead these great women and men."

"these great women and men" on the bio page.

"These are good men and women" to the public when A QUARTER of the STAFF caught allegedly stealing.

Buckley knows the power of suggestion.  Keep repeating it until some of the public buy it.

After all, such low standards for the police gives the impression that Buckley, Burke and Rumley think the public is full of suckers.  

"A sucker born every minute" attributed to P.T. Barnum, a man who abused elephants and other creatures of God and took your money to do it.
Are we suckers or are we human beings with a police department rife with bad men and women?

The late Greg Hudson allegedly strangled his wife and later got caught in a prostitution sting.

Shawn Hughes allegedly abused his wife, had his gun taken away by the judge for alleged domestic violence, yet he walks around Medford carrying a weapon.

And Chief Buckley wants the "public trust?"

A Sucker born every minute.
"Early examples of its use are found among gamblers and confidence men." (Wikipedia)

So our police chief is a confidence man without the courage to fire all 27 officers that allegedly stole when they were supposed to protect and serve.

They want the public trust, Gerry Clemente - Thomas K. Doherty - Joseph Bangs (Depositors Trust bank heist) yet their standards, in the context of Clemente and Doherty, is the exact opposite of their oath of office.

Officer Shawn Norton drunk and plowing into a car.  $150.00 bail.  Such a deal for violating the public trust.

Politically connected Jimmy Lee with his invisible guardian Mark "I've recused myself" Rumley hitting a woman so extreme she received stitches on her upper lip at the hospital.  So Jimmy Lee was cheating on his wife and kids and then physically assaults a woman, just as this writer was physically assaulted by disgraced former clerk Edward P. Finn.   

Did you see John Buckley looking for Mr. Finn when, under subpoena, Finn skated on showing up in CRIMINAL COURT?   

Of course you didn't.  

These thugs and crooks get protection and Mr. Buckley is so redundant that he plagiarizes himself - these "great women and men" from his own biography - after they allegedly steal from the public, become "good men and women."

No, Chief Buckley, they are crooked and you are a liar.  

The public is just too afraid of you to put into print what this victim of the Medford Police Department is putting into print.

STEPHEN LEBERT - the worst of the worst

Officer Lebert's reign of terror culminated in a threat to murder a man.  

This writer filed a police report on an individual Lebert knew. 

IN the police station Lebert phones the individual, an individual who terrorized women and men in Medford, an individual who may have led a child pornography ring, and Lebert was tipping off the perpetrator that a police report was being filed on him.

On the watch of useless Chief Sacco.   

Google Stephen Lebert to see all the complaints that Sacco ignored until Sacco was caught with his pants down (again) and had to sheepishly act as if he didn't know.

He knew.  But he's got a grand pension, doesn't he, for all the malfeasance on the Sacco watch.

From ex Chief Leo A. Sacco Jr's son having his gun, keys, truck removed from him and "a family member" driving him home the same week that Ed Finn skipped out on a subpoena to criminal court (1/31/17) to Shawn Norton drunk driving to Lebert threatening to murder a Malden resident, I wouldn't be surprised to see family members of the biggest crooks in Medford history, Doherty and Clemente, getting among the highest salaries.
What is it with this nepotism in Medford?

Here's why this e mail matters, why this journalist matters, and why the crooked Medford Police department needs to be as dismantled as the broken building they were operating out the Tony Soprano gang.

New policies went into effect Tuesday in the wake of the 5 Investigates report that focused on Capt. Alan Doherty, who has a critical job as the commander in charge of every patrol officer on the street. He's also the highest-paid city employee in Medford, making $211,000 last year.

5 Investigates found Doherty, working on average half days. He was at home for hours at a time in the middle of what would be his normal workday.  (Feb 24, 2015)

Such a deal.   5 Investigates and the practice, similar to this new scandal regarding the Cradock Bridge, stops.

Then you've got Detective Mackowski, Paul Covino and others filing criminal charges on the man assaulted by Ed Finn.  They said Finn never did the assault because it was an assassination of this journalist, but by filing charges they had to admit that Finn did the dirty deed because you can't have a witness without a crime, and Finn committed a felonious assault on a senior citizen.

Finn and Richard F. Caraviello lied in their police reports.   

Because this writer put in a Freedom of Information Act request about the teacher that allegedly had his way with the mayor's daughter Mackowski, sounding like a damn fool under oath on the witness stand, resurrected a case that I had filed.  

In what universe?  

It cost me thousands of dollars to defend and - of course - I won, as usual, but at what cost to the city and the taxpayers of Medford and the taxpayers of the Commonwealth? 

These cheats get away with it year after year after year, and the Depositors Trust scandal is a red flag, an indicator, of a city not doing better, but a city conducting "business as usual."

If Officer Faller and Chief Buckley fail to release the names of those 27 rogue cops, fail to punish them or fire them, if they are going to insert corruption into a new police building, then residents, you have no one to protect and serve you.

Mrs. Burke, Mark Rumley, they violate the public trust.  And the benefit of the doubt that we gave Chief Buckley is trashed by the chief's failure to do the right thing, John Buckley's failure to be an honest cop.

What's worse?  

A city clerk assaulting a senior or the mayor's daughter allegedly banging the varsity coach?  

You can't get a little pregnant, they are both indicative of the lies issued by the police, the mayor and the corrupt city solicitor.

Mayor Burke allegedly had a qualified African American athlete removed so one of her unqualified sons could be in a baseball "all star" game.    Mayor Burke's daughter allegedly had an affair with a baseball varsity coach - also a teacher - which got swept under the rug for Election 2019.  Ryan Burke, one of the sons, a coach along with the accused teacher who got a lateral move to Cambridge where Mrs. Burke and Mr. McGlynn have quite a bit of juice.   Nice.   

And they accept Jenna Tarabelsi - rumored to be more "damaged goods" and she goes and rapes a 15 year old along with allegedly having sex with two 17 year olds, and Mark Rumley wants YOUR CORI but does NOTHING to safeguard the children at Medford High School.

What was put in the press about exiled teacher Mark Smith, who allegedly got his pension from the school - that he allegedly had sex with a former student, is in direct conflict with a statement this writer obtained from an alleged victim who didn't have the word "former" in front of her name as student. But - of course - that's an allegation.  

Given the track record of Mike McGlynn (two daughters teaching AT the McGlynn School, how shameless.) 

What's worse, naming the school after a  then-living relative or stashing your daughters in there?

McGlynn is still under the illusion that he owns Medford.  

And maybe, like a mob boss, he does.

Though Breanna Lungo-Koehn often plays Polyanna, the delusional woman who thinks everything is sweet and lovely, and though the city council vice president lacks a spine and fails to call these bastards out as much as she should, putting her toes in the water and testing the temperature before she makes a calculated political move, she's much better than the alternative, a vicious Mayor Burke with a bunch of sycophants all working for the devil himself, disgraced ex mayor Michael J. McGlynn, the exiled lord of Hades.

noun: Pollyanna; plural noun: Pollyannas
  1. an excessively cheerful or optimistic person.
    "what I am saying makes me sound like some aging Pollyanna who just wants to pretend that all is sweetness and light"

If we have to choose Polyanna over the criminal element that is Rumley, Buckley and Burke, so be it.

Vote Lungo-Koehn.  

Breanna will wear her rose colored glasses when there is wrongdoing to correct, but at least she's honest and her husband seems to be a good man rather than the profanity-laced allegedly drunk husband that is court clerk Brian Burke, Mayor Burke's malicious partner-in-crime.

Public Trust, Stephanie?   Ripping off senior citizens by offering them free parking and then stealing their social security for your ugly Pay-to-Park, while you stash your own mom in public housing to allegedly campaign for you on housing property.

Vote for Polyanna, please, I beg of you.  Because the alternative has Medford the city on life support.

How to Cultivate Civic Trust

August 11, 2016
– By Angelica Wedell
A top priority for local government leaders today sits in the arena of trust.  “Civic trust is a topic that everyone is concerned with and everyone wants to get right,” said Nijah Fudge, West Regional Director for the Alliance for Innovation (AFI).

Joe Viglione  

9:14 am October 3, 2019
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