Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Here's that eMail to Michael Marks

Michael Marks, Room 207
Medford City Hall
Medford MA 02155

Hello Mark,

Good to see you finally got on access TV, before many of your constituents.
Hey, I'm a big supporter of everyone on TV...in fact, you and a colleague wanted me to set up an interview on 
a popular Somerville show but you guys never found the time to do it.

But what I question is this:

You are on TV, yet Mark Rumley, Mr. Censorship himself, won't allow people to mail in shows without a CORI check.

How absurd.     Why can't access producers just e mail their shows in without CORI checks?  Especially if they don't feel like dealing with the TV3 crowd or Patrick Gordon?  

Why aren't you, Michael Marks, demanding to allow Medford residents to e mail their shows to the station. Not just Medford residents, shows from all over the Commonwealth like many of the stations working to stay alive are doing.

Oh, by the way, I just received a Background Check Clearance Certificate  for a new job.  The point is, in forty years of doing access television, starting in 1979, we never had to submit to a Background Check Clearance Certificate...nor should we today.    (The certificate is NOT for access TV, of course.)

Not when rapists allegedly run rampant at Medford High School - Terror Jenabelsi, the new Halloween Costume for Mrs. Burke to wear on the 16th! 

So why is city hall interested in an invasion of privacy?  So Rumley and Burke can see what candidates have in their background to possibly use against them during election time!

And why can't people simply send shows via U.S. Mail or Gmail / e mail to the station?

Because Mark Rumley censors.  His "CORI WAIVER" to mail shows in makes a host look like a child molester on paper. Mark Rumley's ploy is sick, and one wonders why his mind goes there.  Is he feeling guilty about something?  Enquiring minds want to know sayeth The National Enquirer.  How can Mark Rumley do that to 60,000 people? Because he has a big ego and little care about the people around him.
What the citizens question is why Rumley is so concerned about the backgrounds of people and creepy
Medford city government invading privacy - or in the case of the vindictive Medford police, filing phony charges on people who report on their wrongful conduct !

So now we have a police chief speaking like Rumley - it's a "personnel" matter.  The 27 disgraced cops.

Really?   Officer Lebert was a "personnel matter" too - Shawn Hughes, Shawn Norton, Greg Hudson, Al Doherty, Jimmy Lee!

Those were "personnel"  issues --- but we didn't have shills like Adam Knight and Fred Dello Russo, Jr. mimicking Stephanie's talking points about those issues.     Because it wasn't 27 days before an election oh firewall Marian Ryan!

We would like those names of those officers.  It's only fair to the citizens paying their salaries!

Mark Rumley - conflicted - investigated a board of directors that he was appointed to.  Then he deep-sixed the investigation

Now Jack Buckley is hiding behind Marian Ryan's apron strings.  Silly, pathetic and just not right.  The same talking point - just stated in a different way: "Nothing to see hear, move along public, yes, we're screwing you."

So Marks Michael - play my new shows!

I interviewed Marshall Crenshaw of the Smithereens yesterday; have an author in 2 weeks with his book picked up by a major Hollywood name, and another BIG Hollywood star on the horizon for an interview. 

By the way, tell Stephanie I won't be at the Chevalier on the 16th ...

Here are my shows.  Play them on Medford TV.  I've worked hard enough for what we have all paid for.

Or engage in censorship and just do your own thing...

I helped you, Mark, in Somerville.    But YOU are the elected official who is supposed to help me and everyone else in Medford

Help yourself by helping me and all your constituents

Jodie Foster

State Police head stays in the shadows amid unrelenting scandals
Cases of trooper misconduct have plunged the Massachusetts State Police force into crisis after crisis during Kerry A. Gilpin’s nearly two-year tenure atop the agency.

She was quiet after a federal judge suggested that troopers accused of defrauding the department should be charged in a conspiracy case, just like mobsters. She didn’t directly address revelations that the department destroyed key records. And after allegations surfaced that supervisors were running an illegal ticket quota system? Gilpin kept her head down.

The State Police colonel has kept a remarkably low profile, and repeatedly refused to answer questions about the lax oversight, systemic cultural problems, and corruption cited by federal prosecutors and others.

Read the full story.