Thursday, March 12, 2020

An Open Letter to Mayor Lungo-Koehn on Self-Serving Behavior by Kenneth Krause, Laura Duggan, Adam Knight, Michael Marks and Patrick Gordon

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   Madame Mayor - on Tuesday March 10th this veteran access producer gave a speech about the future of access television in Medford.

Police Chief Buckley and Fire Chief Gilberti can benefit with a multi-faceted access TV center centrally located in Medford that includes a radio station for both emergencies as well as entertainment and talk in non-emergency times,   an online presence and the proper use of the three P/E/G channels provided by Verizon and Comcast.   The location was the conclusion by Mayor McGlynn's tribunal - Fred Laskey, Rev Chip Hines and teacher/publisher Allison Goldsberry.  As my experience in radio starting in 1978 goes back a year prior to my first access show in 1979 these ideas come from experience and are to help the community.

   My goal of 500 members by the end of 2020 and 2,000 members is realistic, however the the city is not doing the proper outreach.
     Where are letters in the mail to each household in the city to join the station for free?  This serves the community interest, yet until I bring it up, it is non existent.

                     Why is there very little programming? 

    Why are people coming to me with their complaints about the current situation - the station catering more to students allegedly than the public, station manager Gordon seen at the Committee of the Whole and the council meeting itself, but not up at the station.  

     Councilor Michael Marks made it clear that there is only one employee - and here's that employee with a self-serving city council that has trampled on free speech rights and not doing his job for the community.    Just this past Tuesday Councilor Adam Knight was making noises at the beginning of my speech - which I noted in advance to Clerk Hurtubise and Diversity Director Neil Osborne would happen. Knight cannot refrain from bullying - especially on an evening where Knight himself is brokering an alleged deal to further chill citizen rights up at the council by changing the rules to the way he wants them, not the way the citizens paying him would like them.  

     Furthermore, the citizens are ignored when it comes to crafting the rules and to those who speak up they get "tabled" or "received and placed on file."   We know what Mr. Knight is all about in his professional and personal life and his unprofessional antics are a black eye on the city.

     Mark Rumley, former city solicitor, marveled at my efforts in his office years back and said "No one would do (this work) for himself. You are working for the community."   When I invited Paul Donato to be on my program in another town it wasn't to "butter" the state rep up, it was because I've known Mr. Donato for the better part of 50 years now since he visited our family business on Park Street in the 70s. I pull no punches with Mr. Donato, same with Mr. Marks, yet I appreciate the good things they've done for the city and will criticize them when this journalist feels they need a reality check.  That's what the Fourth Estate is all about.

      Medford Community Media, which mayors McGlynn and Muccini-Burke rifled from my response to their RFP - my Community Media Medford the sole proposal for the city, Medford Community Media is not behaving as a responsible member of the Fourth Estate, and that serves the few, not the many.  That is the antithesis of access television.  When former Cleveland resident Kenneth Krause starts disrupting the city council yelling fighting words "Bring it on...bring it on..." to the point where Adam Knight also disrupts the meeting yelling "The gentleman is disrupting the council, call the police..." you have a cluster you-know-what by SELF SERVING individuals who care not about the many, only about their own show.   The President of the Chevalier Organ Committee -- a carpetbagger from Cleveland exporting himself to this city and branding himself "Ken Medford."  

    Talk about out-of-control ego.  So while I'm working to open up access to the community, Ken "Cleveland" Krause posing as "Ken Medford" starts promoting himself to the council with a prepared speech that mocked the call for 500 members as "negative" and personally telling me it was "self serving."   The thought of bringing 2000 members to MCM by the end of 2021 and locating the station locally only threatens private access TV and Mr. Krause's desperate need for attention by keeping people out. The only other person to defend Patrick Gordon, station manager, a Laura Duggan, said if someone doesn't like CORI checks then they have something to hide.  Further bolstering a stumbling block so people stay out while - ostensibly - Laura gets the place to herself and the very few other members.   

     When Duggan and Krause were out of order snickering at this senior and calling an access facilitator like myself "self serving," it was pure projection.  As Mayor McGlynn would say "Why all the anxiety?" (the former mayor was referencing the board of directors of TV3 anxious over the audit and the retired judge inspecting them.)  

     Why all the anxiety from Ms. Duggan and Mr. Krause reflecting exactly the behavior of the private access station that I had McGlynn shut down?   That's simple, like TV3 they don't want too many people...they want to be the "stars" of access TV.

     In my old age it isn't about having to be the "star" of the's about content.  It's about serving the community with great interviews and getting the story.  Does anyone think risking my life by obtaining the Brady List was a smart move or good for my health?  Really? It was more about civic responsibility upsetting 116 members of a police force who you know would love to write me a daily ticket and moving violations galore (see my perfect Step 9 record and my Background Clearance for further information.)   Sheesh.

    On October 7, 1998 I was set to interview the legend Judy Collins. (Chevalier Theater this June 13th)  Judy said "Visual Radio!  I Love It...My father was in radio!"  See Wikipedia "Her father, a blind singer, pianist and radio show host, took a job in Denver, Colorado, in 1949, and the family moved there."   My long-time photographer, Jeannie, had an eye problem and looking into the lens said to me, "Joe, sorry, I can't film today."  So I took over the camera and a colleague, also named Joe, sat down with Judy Collins and did the interview.  We both have a mutual editor for national magazines (he's one of two biographers of the Jefferson Airplane, interview footage on the Marty Balin documentary you've heard me chat about) and our editor said "That's terrific that you guys are able to switch hats." 

    You see - it's not about ego.  I didn't ask my colleague and fellow writer to run camera, it's about getting the story.

      Professionals don't have to re-brand themselves "Ken Medford" and try to be ambassador to the community for his own purposes.  It's about being self-less and for the community.   

    My colleague did a terrific job with Ms. Collins and there's the SuperVHS tape in front of me (how do ya think I recall the date?) Visual Radio #90.  Judy Collins banned on Medford TV because our government officials fear freedom of speech, a free press, and are self-serving people who took an oath to get paid for public service.

     Public service?  Adam Knight? Spending his time congratulating potential voters and hijacking condolences rather than being respectful and knowing where a deceased resident actually lives?   Another colleague of mine passed in early February, one of the legends of Medford Access Television.  Mr. Knight gave the wrong address during his eulogy that probably has my friend spinning in his grave. He was not very fond of Mr. Knight - and Mr. Knight didn't call for a TV special on one of Medford's original hosts.   John, Pat, Bill, they are all dead, that's the sad reality, but what they have in common with many in the community is that they were kept off of the access airwaves so a few people could utilize the station at the expense of everyone else.  Shame on Ken Krause, Laura Duggan, Patrick Gordon - no higher standard for Patrick, Lenny Scoletta, Arthur Deluca and Steve Bertorelli.  They and Michael Marks won the lottery...they've got the station and they will fight tooth and nail to stop the idea of 500 members...because it is their station, all their's and they will defame you and snicker at you if you dare try to open up the gates for the entire 58,000 or so citizens of Medford.

     Breanna Lungo-Koehn, listen, and change the culture in Medford starting with the access station and then implementing sanctions when Mr. Knight goes off the reservation...which is a weekly experience for Adam.  He simply can't help himself.

    Patrick Gordon - Seventy Thousand Dollars to do no outreach, fail to respond to new applications

   The Community - ripped off again.

   The issuing authority has her work cut out for her

Joe Viglione

5:55 pm
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