Saturday, June 20, 2015

Bringing McGlynn to Justice

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Why would a government official flip out?
Getting paid a LOT OF money to - as he put it - "handle deaths and marriages" - is more reason why the City Clerk should not be ill-mannered, should not lose his cool,
should not attack a resident.

This will NOT be swept under the rug.

The wrongful conduct of the City Clerk on Tuesday evening, June 16, 2015 is the rule, not the exception in Medford.

From Flip-0ut Frankie to the Alfred E Neuman "hired"allegedly by the witch of the south, bad manners, violent outbursts and stupidity is a hallmark of Medford under McGlynn's failed Administration, no leadership, just some thug handing paychecks to his daughters while the infrastructure in Medford goes to hell.

It is time for logic, and logic dictates that
Michael J. McGlynn be brought to justice.

#1 Post @ 7:46 pm Saturday night June 20

REPLACEMENT TIME: City Council Camera People Need to do their job or be replaced; same with City Clerk and Council President