Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Caitlyn Knight and Freddy Dello Jenner / If Adam Knight and Fred Dello Russo loved Medford they would resign

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Adam Knight banned from gay bars.

He, Bruce Jenner, is a public figure. He chose to make himself a public spectacle. I am one of the most open minded and liberal people you will ever meet. Bruce Jenner is free to do what he wishes, there just are more important issues in this world like starvation, political corruption and war. It is discriminatory to lump lesbians, gays, bisexuals and transgenders into one community. Could you ever imagine saying the E.G.A.M Community (Eskimo, Greek, Asian and Martian). Yet if you are a homosexual male you are put in a pile with lesbians and alleged "bisexuals." Why? Homosexual males have very little in common with lesbians. Men who like men have little in common with women who like women, So "society" decides to create a freak show and put individuals they don't understand into "categories." Then Republicans say "gays and abortion." No male Democratic homosexual friend of mine has ever had an abortion, so it must be a thing for Republican gays, but those troublemakers don't care, they just make it up as they go along no matter who they hurt. Isn't Bruce Jenner a Republican? 

Part II

In a perfect world people who need life-saving surgeries and people who need homes take a back seat to millionaires who have access to the press and can make an issue out of their lives. 

If Jenner wants to live as Caitlyn, so be it. There are heterosexual men I have met who get into drag. Whatever, it makes them happy. 

If Bruce Jenner wanted to dress as a woman, fine. It just boggles the mind that they choose to have operations and go through so many alterations when it might be a little easier just putting on a dress like so many straight men (not me, unless I'm on stage) do. 

For me drag isn't my thing, it's an attention getter for one song in a performance...maybe...certainly more in my younger days than now. 

I knew a transgender fellow, Harold, back in 1972 or so, it was way before this became common or accepted. The thought of the surgery back then in the early days was even more chilling. 

Again, as a progressive, if these people want to change their sex or their sexuality, it is their decision. The amount of pain they must go through for the transition and the drugs and the money, it doesn't sound logical to me. But that's my opinion, which I am entitled to, entitled to absolutely as I would never stand in their way as this impacts them personally, not me or you. 

C'est La Vie. Live and Let Live. But Bruce/Caitlyn I do not see as "brave" - I see it as publicity for his/her tv show..