Monday, June 15, 2015

Outtake: Letter to Stepphie

351,442 @ 3:07 am
    There is absolutely no value in voting for Stephanie Muccini-Burke's beauty pageant. It's like the failed candidate for council, Ms. Martin, who goes up to the council every week - not to improve our city, not because she has something of value, but because she is looking for attention.

     To those citizens who take the time to investigate, file public records requests, do our homework (and there's only a handful of us,) Ms. Jeanne Martin desecrates that hard work and honest effort.  She's like a child in a china shop, like Adam Knight.

     They are ill-advised, are not passionate about anything, and just interfere in "the people's business."  Want some proof?

     If Jeanne Martin made her crusade the library, she would be more believable.  She told me repeatedly not to trust the police, behind the backs of our fine officers who often put their lives in danger to protect us, she denigrates them;  to their faces she lies and says she's on their side.  In her twisted mind, there's no difference.  Look at how she hates Adam Knight one week, loves him the next.  Outs a council president telling anyone in earshot she believes he is a closet homosexual, and then, after she's beaten him into submission, he shows her kindness.  Not because he likes her, but because the unbalanced former military person has frightened the hell out of him.
    As you know, this writer will praise a public servant doing a good job, and will discuss frankly the bad things done by a Jimmy Lee or a Gerry Clemente.    It's called objectivity.  It's refreshing because you know where you stand with people who stand by their principles.  With Jeanne Martin all bets are off. Flip a coin to see if the moody, temperamental woman is going to be Glinda the good witch or the Wicked Witch of the West. Don't ask Jeannie, she doesn't know until someone uploads into her computer brain how she will behave on any given day.   Now there's a woman truly in need of an exorcist.
    Ms. Martin wants to be a crackpot she should do it as Mayor of Cummings Street.  Unfortunately, she will read this and laugh, getting the attention she is desperate for, and not realizing that no one is laughing with her. They just feel sorry for her.