Saturday, June 20, 2015

Social Studies: The Mayor's Henchmen

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What kind of Mayor refuses to come to the council and instead sends his lackeys?

Think about it.

And two lackeys are called

The Mayor's Henchmen

and one gets into a pissing contest with the courageous councilor who set the record straight.

noun: henchman; plural noun: henchmen
  1. a faithful follower or political supporter, especially one prepared to engage in crime or dishonest practices by way of service.
    synonyms:right-hand man, assistant, aide, helper; More

    "he leaves all the dirty work to his henchmen"
    • historical
      a squire or page of honor to a person of rank.

      Lauren (bowing) "Darth Stephanie..."

      Darth: "Lauren, I need you to take the books from April/May 2015 and - when we steal the election we can't win on merit - have Set 1 on old microfilm that no one reads anymore  over at the Century Bank safety deposit box, Set 2 at the Brookline Bank safety deposit box, and set three cemented in the vault under the Cradock Bridge where they won't be dismantling the concrete

      Lauren D.  "Yes, my master."

      Darth: "Mark, I want you to

      Mark: "You're not Mayor yet...and there's a good chance you won't be...

      Darth: YOU do not want to piss me off.  Mike told me to hand you this

      (Darth Stephanie hands note to Mark, he reads it carefully...

      Mark: "How am I to do thy bidding (he kneels) my only master ???

      Darth Stephanie; That's more like it...we have an election to steal, and you're the bag man, Mark

      Lauren be continued 

      Reverend Chip, reading this in the Sunday funnies...."Walpole might not be beach front property, but it sure feels good not having the Mayor use my collar like a dish rag anymore...what the f#^& did I know about public access TV anyway?   Ha!  Hot damn, I hardly know how to speak Pig Latin... 

      DEFINITION TIME: Pig Latin is a language game in which words in English are altered. The objective is to conceal the meaning of the words from others not familiar with the rules, much like at Medfraud City Hall, just ask the three stooges on the council and the city jerk who can't keep his mouth shut and can't keep from bumping people cruelly in a mean, vicious and threatening way.