Thursday, October 5, 2017


I Saw the head of the police union at Demet's Donuts a couple of months back.  He said he was going to endorse Caraviello!

Caraviello was sitting like a bump on a log at the coffee shop.

My thoughts to the head of the police union:

Why would you back an individual who lost a case in criminal court ...and ...shouldn't Demets being paying some fat old guy to STAY AWAY from the Donut shop? 

Well, here's photographic evidence of Caraviello allegedly crossing a police picket line.  Kiss that endorsement bye bye Madame Knight, Freddy the Ghoul and Donut Boy Rick!


Why did former Mayor McGlynn have a $100.00 a plate dinner for Muccini-Burke at Montvale recently?

See Photo of Police Picket Line here that Knight and Caraviello crossed along with Dello Russo:

Sneaky Madame Knight drove by as if she wasn't going in, then she allegedly snuck her way into Montvale via the back door.  Will the Union support Union Boy Madame Knight now? (say that 3 times fast...Adam can't!!!!!)

Boy has Mike McGlynn packed on the pounds!

Mrs. Burke wants to run for state-wide office, rumor has it. She's using Medford as her own personal launching pad.